Chapter 2

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Jack's P.O.V:

"Oh My God! Are you ok?" I asked. I was actually really concerned about the girl I just rammed into.

I helped her up and our eyes met. She was stunning... Her blues eyes were so gorgeous, and her smile...

Anna's P.O.V:

ok getting pushed to the ground? Not what I had in mind when I got in the car this morning.

My leg hurt so bad, from where he fell on it and my elbow was scraped from catching myself.

He helped me up and his eyes met mine. We stood there for a moment, then he went on to ask, "I hope I didn't hurt you too bad... I'd hate for someone like you to get hurt. "

Was he flirting?

"Actually, my leg really hurts right now considering you just used it to break your fall..." I said with a little annoyance in my voice.

"I'm really, really sorry. Can I make it up to you?" He said.

"I don't even know your name." I replied.

"Jack, Jack Gilinsky."

oh my god. He's a Magcon guy... What are the odds?

"Well, Jack, how do you plan to 'make it up' to me?" I asked.

"For starters, how about your number?"

He's so cliché. seriously? there is no way im giving him my number.

"It was nice talking to you, I gotta go." I was done. My leg hurt, my head hurt, I was just done.


Back at the hotel room, where all the girls were staying, everyone was talking about their day and their selfies with Cameron Dallas, and Matt Espinosa... until Bella interrupted.

"Can we just take a moment to realize that Jack is totally into you Anna?" she exclaimed. A round of "OMG's" and "WHAT's" rang out from the group. They all wanted to know the story.

"He asked for my number, and I wouldnt give it to him. End of story." I said, just wanting to be done talking. I had a huge bruise on my leg, and i was holding an icepack on my head.

"Well you have to give him your number!" said Sarah.

"What!? there is no way in hell he's getting my number. No. Way."

And with that, I said I was going to bed.

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