Chapter 50

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Anna's P.O.V:

The plane had landed, I was back home, and when I stepped foot in my room I collapsed on the bed.

I was so tired; ever since I've met Jack I've been on a lot of planes. It's exhausting.

Then I remembered that I had to text Parker and Jack.

It sounded filthy... Leading two guys on? It's disgusting. I'm disgusting.

I pondered the thought of who to text first, then I finally came to the conclusion of Jack.

I figured if I get the worst over and done it'll get my mind off of him when I text Parker.

Actually... This was enough. I'm tired of hiding behind a screen. Whatever I had to say to Jack I was going to tell him by voice call.

I pulled his contact up on my phone and struggled to press the 'dial' button.

As the phone kept ringing and ringing, my anxiety level only grew to a massive scale.

What seemed after an eternity, he finally answered.

"Hey!" He said cheery.

"Hi..." I replied back; fighting the tears as best as I could.

"What's wrong? You sound shaky," he inquired on the other line.

"I'm fine... I just need to know what we are," I asked again.

"Why do you keep asking?" He responded.

"I don't know, Jack, maybe because I care about you?" I told him somewhat sternly.

"I care about you too."

"Oh, really? Does caring about someone mean they break their hearts countless times? Because that's what you do to me," I told him.

"I never mea-"

"Save it, Jack. I tried. I'm so done trying to fix what we had when obviously this has been torn at the seams. You are so, so selfish Jack. Even after all those times where you broke my heart you keep coming back to make sure it won't recover."

I waited for a couple minutes to see if he would try and say something to me.

He didn't.

Out of rage I hung up with force and slammed my phone next to me.

I wasn't even going to bother texting Parker; I didn't want to deal with boys.

I turned the lights off; got in my bed and threw the blankets over my head.

I fell asleep, with so many problems flying through my head it was out of pure frustration that my eyes were able to shut.


I woke up with the sun shining in my face, and for about .3 seconds everything seemed perfect.

I checked my phone for the time; but noticed a ton of missed calls from Jack.

There was one voice mail.

You're probably asleep, but I'm so sorry. It's so hard to let someone go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on. Forever has seven letters but so does goodbye. I just need you to know one thing... I can never put into words how much I want you, and I sure as hell can't explain the shiver that goes down my spine when I hear your name. The way your lips move as you speak, and when you get angry.. It just makes me want to wrap my arms around you and kiss you. I can't explain what it's like to look into your eyes and feel what I feel. I love you, Anna. Always have, always will. Goodnight.


A little later in the day everything seemed like it was going good. I missed Parker. It's sounds unbelievably stupid to feel so many things about a person that you just met days earlier, but there was something about his appearance and personality that really got to me.

I felt bad for not responding to Jack; but it almost made feel better.

In order to feel great; I'll call Parker.

"I was just about to call you," he answered the phone.

"Why would you want to call me?" I joked.

"To hear your perfect voice," he responded.

Parker gave me butterflies in my stomach. Much like when Jack and I first met.

I could feel my face get hot as I got up and looked in the mirror; only to see myself smiling from ear to ear and my cheeks rosy.

"Aren't you just the cutest," I cooed.

"I really do miss you though," he said again.

"I miss you too. So what are you up to?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I was still trying to play it safe when it came to catching feelings.

"Trying to figure out what to do with myself," he replied.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means I don't know what to do. I'm conflicted, I'm bored, I'm confused. There are so many things going on right now and I just wish you were still here to help me through them."

"Sounds like a topic to talk about over our next date," I said, jokingly.

"You're one of the few people that can actually make me smile at a time like this," he said.

"How adorable," I said back making him laugh again.

"I have to go, I'll try and talk to you later tonight. Love y-"

I didn't realize what I said until I was in the middle of saying it. There was a pause on the phone.

"What?" He asked, sounding confused.

"I'm so sorry... I just thought I was talking to someone else," I explained.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

"I don't! Not anymore... It's more of a recent thing," I said back to him.

"Ok... It's crazy to even say, but I don't think I could stand anyone else calling you theirs," he told me.

"Parker, this is all going a little too fast. We've had one date, and that wasn't even a date! I met you in an airport as I was an hour away from flying thousands of miles from California. Can we slow down?" I pleaded, not wanting to rush into things.

"Sorry... It's just a mental thing. Ever since I lost my parents and grandparents I've been willing to latch on to anyone. But you're different. I don't know exactly what it is, but I've never felt this way about someone," he explained to me.

It made me feel like I was wanted... Like someone actually loved me, and if and when I fell in love with them they'd be there to catch me.

"I have to go," I told Parker, quickly hanging up.

I put one hand on my forehead and laid back on the bed.

All I had in my mind was the thought of Jack. I still love him. And as much as I hate to admit it, I knew I had to call him back.

A//N: Ok, so this chapter was pretty short... But were nearing the end of this story! I've also never genuinely got the chance to thank all of you for reading and commenting and voting. It's been amazing to watch the number of reads go up and up with each update. Thank you all so much, and be sure to follow and vote for updates! Updating might be receiving longer and longer waits but I've been so busy! I'll try and update as much as I can. Thank you again and love you all! Xx

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