Chapter 43

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Anna's P.O.V:

I was laughing so hard in the car with everyone while we drove to the boardwalk.

I loved my friends so much; they could make me feel better when I was in one of the darkest moods.

which is why I need to do this for them.

at first the guys left us at the food court and didn't tell us where they were going.

We almost went back to the hotel with disappointment but before we could walk away from the table the boys ran up to us and hugged us from behind.

They had won us giant stuffed bears, almost too huge to fit in the car.

"It was Cameron's idea," Nash stated.

"God I fall more and more in love with you every second!" Sam exclaimed, before kissing him.

After that; I decided not to let my friends ruin the kind gesture Jack had just presented along with all the other guys.

The rest of the night was so fun: but then I realized that the relationship that was once always on my mind, would soon come to an end.


Once we all arrived back at the house, we all just wanted to relax.

We started a small bonfire on the beach and listened to the waves.

"Best night ever," Matt said with his armed wrapped around Sarah.

"Thank you for the bear, baby." Sam said to Cameron before their lips connected.

I swear those two kiss more than they breathe.

But at least they were in love.

"I'm freakin tired man.." Shawn said as we all looked to his eyes slowly blinking and trying to stay awake.

"See you guys in the morning," Katie said while she took Shawn's hand and led him back to their room.

"I'm gonna hit the hay too," Jack said while snuggled in close to me.

He stood up from the blanket that was comfortably placed on the sand and held his hand out; gesturing for me to take it.

"Coming beautiful?" He asked, still holding his hand out.

I grabbed it and our fingers immediately interlocked; sending shivers down my spine. Why was I doing this...

we were soon strolling through the sand and back to the beach house.

I turned around and saw Sarah, Libby, and Sam staring at us while we walked.

It made me extremely uncomfortable knowing that my friends were talking about Jack and I.

I walked into the room and paused for a moment.

My thoughts were racing through my head and it made me even more tired than I already was.

I was suddenly snapped out of my trance when I heard the door quietly close; then felt strong arms around my waist and soft lips on my neck.

"Perfect night, perfect girl, perfect ending. I wish I could stay like this forever; with you in my arms and no one else." He whispered in my ear.

"Jack..." I tried saying; not making him stop.

"I'm extremely exhausted-" I struggled to say again.

He brought me against the wall and kept kissing my neck until he found my sweet spot; causing me to let out a small moan.

He lifted his head and looked into my eyes.

"The bed is over there," He said winking.

"Yes, I know... But it's been a long day, and I'd rather just talk to you."

The tight grip he had on my waist loosened and he took hold of my hands instead.

He made a puppy dog face; but that didn't change my answer.

When I finished taking my make up off and got into comfy clothes he was already on the bed.

I could tell he still wanted more 'alone time' but he wasn't going to get it.

"You can stop looking at me like that," I said to him.

He chuckled to himself and moved to the other side of the bed so I could lay down.

I did; but it didn't take long before I sat back up with my hands cupped over my face.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, sitting up and rubbing my back.

"Just promise me that you'll forgive me..." I started to tell him.

He slightly nodded and I removed his hand from my thigh.

I backed away slightly and prepared for what was going to happen next.

"What is this about?" He asked.

Here it goes. I took a deep breath, and the words spilled out of my mouth like I just kicked a cup of water.

His hand moved away from my back and his body was soon backing away from the bed.

"What? I'm sorry, I thought I just heard you break up with me..."

"Well you heard right," I said back.

He stared at me with blank expression.

"Why do you keep doing this to me. It's either you love me, or you don't.." He said again.

"Of course I love you! You saved my life! How could I not?!" I screamed.

"Then why are you doing this!? All I've ever done was help you and love you but in return all you treat me like is complete shit! You think you're done? I'm done! I can't deal with your damn messed up bipolar emotions!" He yelled.

It felt like my heart was stabbed.

I knew I was doing the right thing... For my friends. There was just something about how Jack believes that whatever I do is a result of his actions. But in reality; it was my own fault for texting him back that night... because it has only led me here.

"I wish that I had never met you. Then there would be no need for wanting you; or loving you... no need for crying over you, no need for heartbreaks or tears and pain. No need for everything you've done to make me feel like absolutely nothing." I said back.

He tightly took ahold of the door handle and made his way out of sight.

As he was doing so, I jumped up from the bed so I could be standing; face to face with him.

Tears streamed from my eyes causing them to get hot and puffy.

I hope my friends were happy, because the shittiest thing that they've ever made me do was done.

I felt so horrible; because everything that Jack said was true. I didn't deserve him... and why did I focus on the things he did wrong compared to the million things he's done right, then hold it against him when all he wanted to do was apologize?

Jack did those things to Sarah and Katie only because he was drunk and was delusional enough to think that those actions would make me jealous: and when he kissed Libby he was thinking of her safety.

Jack did the worst while he was drunk for one night, and they told me to break up with him and that he could never be forgiven.

None of my friends did shit while I would come to school with black eyes and sometimes not show up for a week if it was something more gruesome that Ricky had done to me when I was with him.

Ricky would nearly kill me on a daily basis but those bitches didn't say a single word.

So who's the real enemy.

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