Chapter 19

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Anna's P.O.V:

I was standing outside his door trying to control myself.

I was so nervous... I didn't want to hurt anymore.

My hand eventually got to the position to knock, when suddenly the door flung open and revealed Jack.

"Anna.. I was just coming to see you.."

I took a deep breathe and said;

"Well, can we talk?"

I started to walk into his room.

He put his arm out and stopped me, motioning me to the elevator.

"If we're going to talk we're not doing it here" he smiled.

He took me to a small breakfast diner and we sat at a booth but didn't order any food.

"I'm so sorry. I never should've kept that from you, and I never should've done what I did to Katie and Sarah. I'm a dick. I was drunk. I put everyone in danger and I don't think I'll ever forget that." He said.

"Jack what you did can't be fixed by one simple sorry." I replied as I watched him hang his head in depression.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Whatever happened to that guy I met at MagCon. The guy that I had no interest in knowing until he flashed his smile making my world stop." I asked.

"I'm still here..."

"No, Jack. Your not. And you never will be again."

He started to cry. I don't think I've ever seen him cry... He always portrayed himself as tough. I knew there was a soft side.

Through the tears, he asked me if I was ready to go.

I said yes and we headed out of the diner.

He got to the car first, and opened the door for me.

I realized that he might not be the same after everything that happened but he could become even better. I realized that he needed me, and I needed him.

Once I got to the open car door I shut it.

"What are you-"

He was cut off by my soft lips crashing onto his. He wrapped his arms around me. I missed this feeling. I placed my arms around his neck and he started to move his hands up and down my back.

It felt like the first time he kissed me on the back of that H.

I pulled away and smiled at him.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I hope you know that." He said, right before he put his lips on mine.

The drive back was perfect. He held my hand and made me laugh and we both knew that we needed each other.

We got back to the hotel and saw Matt in the lobby.

He had his hands cupped over his face and his elbows on his knees.

As Jack and I walked in together with our arms around eachother, Matt looked up and saw us.

Jack left my side and met Matt in the middle.

"You threatened to kill her." He said.

I asked him if Sarah told him, but he said no. He said Anna told him.

That meant that things were still rough for him and Sarah.

"I'm so sorry dude. I never meant to do it- I was drunk. Can you forgive me?"

Matt looked back at me, and then looked at Jack.

"Yeah I guess." He said punching Jack in the arm.

"When do you plan to tell her it's all good?" Jack asked him.

He replied with, "I've got something special planned out. It's simple; but special." Matt said.

Then they hugged. Yeah that's right, they hugged.

The two guys I thought had no emotions were hugging in the lobby. Oblivious to what was happening around them.

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