Chapter 38

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Anna's P.O.V:

I looked down at my hand only to see it stained with blood from my stomach.

I couldn't breathe, and the wound was only making it more difficult.

I'm not sure how I managed, but I let out one last scream.

It seemed like no one heard it; and that anxiety put me in a state of panic.

As I was about to close my eyes and take one last breath, someone busted the lock on the door.

It scared me and made me jump; causing my stomach to hurt more.

I groaned and begged them to help me.

Before I knew it I was being carried out and laid down in a car.

I couldn't see anything; my eyes swollen shut.

We soon arrived at what I thought out to be the hospital, and I was laid on a bed.

The lights that kept coming and going as I was rolled down the hallway were so bright it made me feel like I was dying right then and there.

I looked to my sides but only saw blurred figures.

Soon enough I was in the emergency room being looked at.

I couldn't hear anything,

Only the distant sounds of doctors bickering back and forth.

There was a slight sound that managed to break through my hearing wall; and whatever or whoever it was, they were screaming.

The doctors faces started to dim out. I slowly closed my eyes; and didn't wake up for about a day


I tried to open my eyes; but they were hot and puffy from dried tears and rinsing out saw dust.

I started to move my arms, but was caught off guard when my hand was restricted.

I looked over and couldn't make out the figure.

I squinted my eyes and widened them, trying to clarify my view.

I finally managed to gain some sight and saw Jack holding my hand and sobbing into his other one.

"J-Jack..." I started to say, but before ending the sentence in the form of a question he was already kneeling and wiping the tears away.

"Thank God you're ok... I was worried sick.." He told me.

"What happ-happened?"

"Try not to talk too much, ok? I'll only tell you what you need to know."

It looked like he was preparing for my reaction.

" got hurt. By Ricky. He aimed the gun at me, but at last instant I knocked it out of his hand. I forgot you were in the closet. It... it blew right through the door and hit you in your stomach."

It took a moment for it all to sink in.

"You've been asleep for about a day; but I haven't left your side one second. I only left so the nurses could check on you and so I could call everyone to tell them how you were doing."

Jack noticed that my eyes started to tear up. His started to tear up too, but that didn't stop him from comforting me rather than himself.

"Hey... We're going to get through this. It's all going to be ok.. I'm just glad you're ok."

"Is- is Ricky still out there?" I asked, with fear in my voice.

"After I knocked the gun out of his hand, I punched him making him black out. I froze for a couple seconds, like I usually do when I get nervous, but then grabbed you from the closet and took you here. There's been no sign of him so far, but who knows. I'm so sorry."

"You're sorry?" I asked him.

This was what I was afraid of.

"Never say you're sorry, Jack. I don't want pity. All I want is for you to be ok... I brought all of this on you. You should've let Ricky take me instead of coming after me. I don't deserve someone like you... What am I even doing here..." I said before trailing off and whimpering.

"Anna please don't say that, ever. You mean more than the world to me and I could never let you go like that! I need you in my life. I'm never going to get tired of seeing your beautiful face or gorgeous eyes. Look at you... Your in a hospital bed and you still look like a supermodel."

Jack was honestly the best thing that has happened to me in a long, long time.

All I could think about was how he felt. I didn't care what happened to me; as long as it didn't come back to him.

He stayed with me for the two weeks that I was in the hospital.


I eagerly awaited the results about when I could go home. I was sick of this place and never wanted to return. Jack was right by my side; holding my hand and rubbing my back to work the nerves out.

"The results have come in, and it looks like nothing too fatal. The bullet penetrated some parts of your stomach but because you got in here as fast as you did, it was fixable." The Doctor said, filling me with happiness.

Jack looked at my happy filled eyes and smiled. He kissed my cheek and didn't stop staring at me.

I looked at him and smiled, then turned my attention back to the doctor.

"Anna, without this young man bringing you here in the amount of time that he did, there was a strong possibility that you're injuries were permanent. You could've died."

I let the words sink in, and then turned my head towards Jack.

I smiled and mouthed the words 'thank you' to Jack, causing him to smile and kiss my hand.

"You're very lucky to have him, Anna.." The doctor said before leaving the two of us alone.

I looked over at Jack and smiled.

"I know."

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