chp. 4

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*7 weeks and 3 days later*

Luna's pov:

I was currently laying in the hospital bed having contractions. Ethan was sitting next to me, holding my hand. Sailor and Alaska came in, sitting on top of the window sill.

*a couple of minutes*

"Okay. We are going to have you start pushing," the doctor said.

I pushed will all of my strength, grabbing both Ethan and Grayson's hands really hard. One baby came out first and then the other.

"What would you like to name your children?" the doctor asked Ethan and I.

"Sloan Mark Dolan and Aria Zoala Dolan," Ethan told the doctor.

The doctor handed us the birth certificates, we both signed them. The doctor congradulated us, leaving the room.

Grayson's pov:

Sailor and I walked downstairs, leaving the hospital to go home. We pulled into the driveway of her house, I turned the car off, walking her up to the door, I kissed her good night, before she went inside. I pulled out of the driveway, driving back to my house. I pulled in the driveway, my mom sitting out on the porch.

*the next day*

Megan's pov:

Today, I was going shopping for college. I pulled into the parking lot of target, parking my car, going inside. I pulled out my list, going through the aisles to get everything that I needed. After I got everything, I went to checkout, paying for everything.

I put the stuff into my car, putting the cart in the corral. I drove back home, taking everything down to the basement. I organized my things, putting them into the drawers. I walked upstairs, going into the kitchen, grabbing my pizza and tea out of the fridge. I put it into the microwave, heating it up. I pulled it out, going upstairs to my office.

*2 days later*

Cayla's pov:

I was currently sitting with Alex on the front porch. I sat there, drinking my coke, while my niece was sitting across from me, coloring in her coloring book.

Megan's pov:

I was currently sitting in the basement, organizing my college stuff. When I got done, I went upstairs, packing some of my clothes into a box to move it to my dorm.

*3 weeks later*

Cayla's pov:

Today, Alex and I were moving my stuff into Megan and I's dorm room. I put everything into the car, going upstairs to make sure that I had everything. Megan had already moved in, and was currently at lunch with my brother. I grabbed my car keys, handing them to Alex, as we went into the garage. We got into the car, pulling out of the driveway, driving out of the college.

*a couple of hours later*

We got done doing my side of the dorm room. Megan and Joe came in, sitting on her bed. Megan put a binder onto her desk, before grabbing her laptop out of her bag.

*2 weeks later*

Megan's pov:

Today, was the first day of school. I woke up at 5:30 since my first class was at 8. Cayla woke up at 6, which I was still laying in my bed at this point. I got out of my bed, plugging in my straightener. I put on my shirt and jeans, brushing through my hair, getting ready to straighten it. I straightened it, leaving the straightener plugged in for Cayla, who was about to us it.

It was now about 6:15, I put my sandals on, zipping up the sides. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it to see a text from Joe.

It read:

Good luck baby (insert 3 heart emoji)

I replied back:

Thank you future husband ( insert heart eye smiley face emoji)

I grabbed my folder and notebook out of my drawer, putting them as well as my computer into my backpack. Cayla and I then grabbed our stuff, going to the local café, getting breakfast and coffee, before class.

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