chp. 37

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*2 days later*

Cameron's pov:

Michelle and I were currently talking while laying in our bed.

"I love you," I said, kissing her on the head.

"I love you too," she said, kissing me on the jaw.

She curled up next to me, and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling up the blanket, so that she would not get cold. She started falling asleep, while she was laying in my arms. 

Sophia's pov:

Today, I was having my last dress fitting with Ashton, since my wedding was about 2 weeks away. He safety pinned the part at my neckline, so that he could make it a little tighter. The dress was the perfect length for my shortness. We fixed the sleeves, since they were a little long. 

Jake's pov:

While Sophia was at her dress fitting, I watched the twins while they were playing with their barbies. Sophia came back about 30 minutes later, carrying in food for us.

Caitlin's pov:

Today, my mother and I were going to get our nails done for an even that we were going to soon.

*3 weeks later*

Adaline's pov:

I walked into the post office, checking my p.o. box for an important piece of mail from the college. I unlocked the box, pulling everything out. I had a yellow envelope from Florida State University. I locked my p.o. box, going out to my car. Once I got into my car, I opened the large envelope, pulling out a stack of papers. I read the top paper, and it said that I got in. 

Chris's pov:

Hope was still in the hospital unconscious, and her entire family and I were depressed. It had been 2 weeks after graduating, 2 weeks after the accident. I was sitting next to the bed, holding her hand while her mom was sitting across the room. All of a sudden, I felt a hand wrap around mine. I turned to the side, and saw Hope open her eyes. Her mom ran to go get the nurse while I stayed with her. The nurse came in, helping her sit up.

*2 days later*

Magnolia's pov:

Today, we were bringing Hope home from the hospital. Chris helped me put her in the backseat of my car, buckling the seatbelt around her. I got into the drivers seat, driving to her house. When we got there, I dropped her and Chris off, and went home. 

Chris's pov:

I carried Hope inside, taking her up to her room. I laid her down on her bed, covering her up with the blanket. I turned her TV on, turning the volume down so it was quiet. I sat down at her desk, organizing her desk, cause I knew how her OCD is. I fixed the papers that were in the stack, when I saw a particular one of top from Seneca College.

I skimmed over it, reading that she had got in. I couldn't believe that my girlfriend would be going to college in Canada in just a month and a half. I had already been getting ready for college, since I was going to the same one. I heard her groan from behind me, and I turned around to see her rolling over.

Korinna's pov:

Today, I was going with my sister to help babysit Kaylin's twins. I got into the passenger seat of the car, and Kaiella drove to Kaylin's house. We knocked on the door, and Tyler opened it, letting us in.

Magnolia's pov:

I walked down the stairs of my house, going to check my mailbox. I opened the mailbox, pulling out a big yellow envelope. I walked back to the house, sitting on the front porch. I opened the envelope, pulling out the papers. I ran into the house, showing my mom that I got into George Mason. 

The day after tomorrowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang