chp. 28

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Braden's pov:

I walked back downstairs, Alaska sitting down on the couch. I sat down on the couch, wrapping the blanket that was behind me around us. 

"It feels weird finally being home," she said, laying her head on my shoulder. 

"I know. I'm just glad your home," I said, wrapping my arm around her waist. 

*a couple of hours later*

Alaska had fell asleep on the couch, so I carefully picked her up, taking her upstairs to her bedroom. I peeled her shirt and pants off, putting her pajamas on her. I put her blanket over her, so that she wouldn't be cold. 

"Please stay," she said, holding the blanket open, so I could get in the bed. 

I crawled into the bed, wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her on the forehead. She fell back asleep immediately, placing her head against my chest. 

*five weeks later*

Megan's pov:

Today, was my first official day of working as a teacher. I woke up at 5:30, putting on my blue dress, having Joe zip it up, since he was awake as well. I woke up early, because I had to print out a couple of things for my class.

At 6:30, I left the house, to go pick up some coffee and breakfast from Dunkins. At about 7:00, I walked into the building, scanning my card over the scanner. I walked to my classroom, unlocked the door, putting the doorstop at the bottom. I put my keys back around my neck, so that I wouldn't lose them. I walked to my desk, setting my bag onto the chair, and my coffee on top of the desk. I went around my classroom, putting my syllabus on each desk. 

A couple of minutes later, Ashton came into my room, handing me a small wrapped box. I unwrapped the box, pulling out a book about teaching. I thanked him, giving him a hug. After he left, I sat down at my desk, pulling up my powerpoint, and looking over my plans. At 7:30, the bell rang for students to start coming in. 

Sophia's pov:

I walked upstairs to Daisy and Penelope's room, making sure that they were awake and ready to go to daycare. I grabbed their bags, putting in some food for them. 

Cayla's pov: 

I walked downstairs from my room, making sure that my sister's were both awake and ready for school. Faith wasn't downstairs, meaning that she had already left. Hope was downstairs, putting on her shoes, before grabbing a granola bar out of the pantry. 

"Where'd Faith go?" I asked Hope, starting up the coffee pot.

"She went to go pick up Preston," she told me, grabbing her car keys off of the counter.

Hope's pov:

I grabbed my bag off of the floor, leaving the house. I drove to Dunkins, to get myself a cup of coffee. I pulled into the parking lot of the high school, eating my breakfast while waiting for the bell to ring. 

*10 minutes later*

The bell rang signaling that I could go inside of the school. I grabbed my bag and coffee, locking my car, going into the high school. I pulled up my schedule on my phone, going to my first period. 

Megan's pov:

I sat at my desk, as students started coming into my room. As soon as the tardy bell rang, I shut the door, turning the lights off. I stood next to my computer, getting ready to start my introduction, after the pledge. 

"Good morning, everyone. I am Mrs. Harder, and I will be your English teacher this year. This course will be hard not easy like previous English classes. Does anybody have questions?" I said, turning my lights back on. 

"Are we going to have to write essays?" one student asked me.

"Yes, at least one per nine weeks," I said, picking up my clipboard. 

"Okay, I'm going to take role, so say here and raise your hands," I said, starting to take role.

*20 minutes*

"Please have your parents sign your syllabus. What you will need for this class is also on your syllabus," I said, about a minute before the bell rang.

Faith's pov:

I walked into my math class, already annoyed by all of the people who were in my class. I sat down at an empty desk, pulling out my phone. I didn't bother listening to my teachers anymore, I was just ready to get out of here.


Preston's pov:

I walked into the cafeteria with Faith, getting in line to get food. After getting our lunch, we sat down at our table, which consisted of all of us popular kids. As I was eating my food, I saw Hope walk in with one of her friends, getting their lunches, before going outside to eat. 

*20 minutes later*

Hope and her friend walked in, throwing their trash away. Hope then said goodbye to her friend, leaving the cafeteria.

*after lunch*

Hope's pov:

I walked down the hallway to my mom's room to pick up my volleyball bag. I said goodbye to my mom before I went to my sister-in-laws class. I walked in sitting down in an empty desk. 

I got out my folder, so I would be ready to put papers in it. The rest of the class came in, sitting down at empty desks. My best friend sat down next to me, when I saw Preston walk in. Preston sat at a desk across from one of his friends, staring at me. 

Megan's pov: 

"Good afternoon class. I will be your honors English teacher this year. This class will not be easy, but harder than previous English classes. What you will need for my class is on the syllabus, which you need your parents to sign," I said, giving each student a syllabus.

*after class*

Hope's pov:

After class, I walked down the hallway to the gym for volleyball practice. I saw Preston walk down the hallway with his friends and Faith. I walked into the locker room, putting on my jersey, spandex, and knee pads. After getting ready, I went into the gym, setting up the nets.  

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