chp. 12

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Michelle's pov:

I was currently upstairs in my bedroom, studying for my final exams. I pulled out my history textbook, which had my study guide for my exam in it. My dad came into my room, bringing me a box that had came in the mail.

I opened it up to see a card, written inside it said:

To one of my many best friends,

At this time, I know that you are studying for your final exams. I should now, because I am too. I have included some things that help you study. As well as some other goodies that help at this stressful time.

Love always,

Megan + Joe

I unraveled the tissue paper, taking out all of the goodies. I pulled my phone out of my desk drawer, texting Megan:

me: Thank you so much for the goodies. (insert heart emoji)

meg: Your welcome. They help me a lot so I figured I would share them with you.

Megan's pov:

I threw my phone back onto my bed, as Cayla was getting ready to quiz me on my exam information. After she got done quizzing me, I went through my textbook, going through information that I still needed to remember. I wrote the information done on my notepad.

*2 hours later*

I walked out of the dorm building, going to the restaurant down the street. I ordered my food and iced tea, going back up to my dorm with my food, before I headed to the library to study. I grabbed a bottle of water and my bag, heading to the library.

*one week later*

Author's pov:

Now that all of my lovelies are taking exams right now, you will now understand what I go through. Well, I'm going to go and probably eat pizza, so you know where to find me.

Elana's pov:

I walked out of the dorm building with Megan and Cayla, who were also on their way to exams. We walked down the street to the starbucks, getting coffee, before we all went out separate ways to class. I walked up the stairs, going to my photography class, carrying my portfolio of pictures. I walked into the classroom, handing my teacher. For our exam, our teacher had us create a portfolio for things that happen everyday to our gender.

Megan's pov:

I went down the sidewalk, before I took a right, going down a set of stairs. I walked down the street, going into the class building. I walked into the classroom, sitting down at my desk. The teacher was passing out our exam packets.

"Good morning, ms. Harder," my teacher said.

"Good morning, Mrs. Rhonda," I said, waiting for the rest of my class to come in.

The rest of my class walked in, sitting down at their desks.

"You may begin when you are ready. You have an hour after you open your exam packet," Mrs. Rhonda said, sitting down at her desk.

I opened my exam packet, carefully reading each question and answer. As my classmates finished, they left the room. I was one of the last ones in the room. I walked down from my seat, handing Mrs. Rhonda my exam packet.

Cayla's pov:

I walked out of the exam, putting my folder into my bag. I walked down the stairs, going to my dorm. I met up with Megan about halfway back to the dorms. We walked up the stairs of the dorm building, going upstairs to gt our stuff for our next dorm.

*a couple of days later*

Megan's pov:

Cayla and I were currently packing up our things, so that we would be ready to leave next week. Joe came upstairs, bringing us a bag of duck tape to keep our drawers and containers shut. I taped my drawer units shut, and  my bin of shoes, Joe taking them down to his car, so that he could take them home. I took most of my clothes except for 7 outfits, down to his car, putting my stuff into the trunk.

*a week later*

I check my school email, before I left for the summer. Next year, I was going to being going to UCLA, but staying at home. I looked at my emails, checking the results of my exams. Turns out, I had gotten a perfect score on each of my exams. Joe texted me, saying that he was here. I grabbed my bag, gave Cayla one last hug, going downstairs, to th parking lot. I put my bag into the backseat, getting in the front. I kissed Joe, because I hadn't seen him for a long time since spring break.

Joe's pov:

Megan was finally home for college, and I was so happy about it. I drove home, parking my ccar in the driveway. We got out, going downstairs, Megan put her bag in the entryway, putting her lanyard on the back of the door.

*3 days later*

Megan's pov:

I walked into the office of the high school, signing in, getting my visitor id. I walked down to Ashton's classroom, knocking on the door, before walking in. Ashton was showing a collection of artwork from past students he had. I sat down at his desk.

"And here is the lovely artist of this artwork. This is my beautiful cousin Megan," Ashton said, turning the light on.

I got up, hugging Ashton, because I hadn't seen him since Christmas. I soon left, going to Mr. Hemmings room. I went in, finding Michelle sitting next to him. He got up, giving me a big hug.

"How have you been, Mrs. Megan?" He asked me, sitting back down in his chair.

"I've been great. Finished my first year of college 2 weeks ago," I said, sitting down next to him.

"That's great," he said, his students turning in their final exams.

Cayla's pov:

I walked down the graveyard, down to my dads grave. I sat down in front of the headstone. I started crying, cause I miss him everyday. I remember the day that the 2 soldiers showed up at my mom's house, telling my mom that my father was dead. I was sitting on the front porch, when they had pulled up. I  walked in he house, getting my mom out of the kitchen. They said that my father had been shot at war, and was now dead.

*3 days later*

Ethan's pov:

I was currently carrying my daughter upstairs, from being outside. I took her to her bedroom, so that I could change her into her pajamas and change her diaper. I sat her in her crib, getting everything ready to change her.

"Dadda," she said, crawling around in her crib.

Megan's pov:

I was currently wedding dress shopping for Michelle's wedding. She came out wearing this long dress that looked gorgeous on her. We then, looked at bridesmaid dresses. She picked out 5 of them and I tried them all on.

Kaylin's pov:

I walked upstairs, carrying Isabella, while Tyler was carrying Sophia. We took them into the nursery to put them down for a nap. We put them into their cribs, putting the rail back up. 

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