chp. 45

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*5 weeks later*

Hope's pov:

Chris and I walked out of our apartment, going to our Biology 102 class that starts at 10:15 and goes to 11:15. I pulled out my laptop after class, logging onto my email. I looked through my email, finding an email from a long time ago between my father and I.

Grayson's pov:

Sailor and I walked down the shoreline by our house, with our feet in the water. When we finally got to our favorite spot, we took off our clothes since we had our bathing suits on under, walking into the water. It was so cold at first, but once we went under we were perfectly fine.

Katie's pov:

I was currently at our local theater helping the actors and actresses get ready for their play.

Megan's pov:

I walked into my classroom a few minutes later than normal, since I had to wait in line at Starbucks. I propped open my door, getting each of my students' desks ready.

Cameron's pov:

I got out of bed, getting ready for the day by putting on an old black shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. Michelle was still asleep in bed, when I left the house for a couple of minutes.

*2 hours later*

Michelle's pov:

I woke up, getting out of bed. I walked over to my closet, pulling out my favorite maxi dress. I put it on, walking to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth, before Cameron and I left the house to go to my doctor's appointment.

*at doctor's appointment*

"Well Mr. and Mrs. Grey, this is what your baby looks like right now," the doctor said, as we looked at the monitor.

"Are we able to tell the gender yet?" Cameron asked.

"No, but in about 5 weeks we will," she said, getting the picture of our ultrasound.

*later that day*

Cameron's pov:

After we had gotten home, we copied the picture of the ultrasound, so that we could give a copy to both of our parents as well as Megan and Joe since they were going to be the babies godparents.

Cayla's pov:

I pulled into the driveway of my brother's house, turning my car off. I walked to the door, Megan letting me in. We walked to the living room, where my brother, Michelle, and Cameron were all sitting.

*2 days later*

Magnolia's pov:

My roommate and I walked to our history of bones class. We met up with one of the girls who lived down the hall from us. After class, all 3 of us went to the dining hall to get breakfast together.

Sophia's pov:

Today, was the twins first day of elementary school. I put them into matching soccer jerseys which had their last names on it. I grabbed their hoodies, putting them into their backpacks. I braided their hair; putting Penelope's into a regular braid and Daisy's into a french braid. I helped them put on their backpacks, as Jake grabbed his car keys. We all walked to the car, and I put the girls into the backseat. I got into the passenger seat, while Jake got into the driver's seat.

When we got to the school, Jake and I walked the twins to their kindergarten class. We kissed them goodbye, handing them their lunchboxes. They walked in, going to their cubbies to put their lunch and backpacks away.

Elana's pov:

I opened my emails, finding one from a fellow classmate of mine.


I'm preplanning a maternity photoshoot if that is okay with you. Let me know if you have any openings in December. My number is 323-675-9221.

Thank you,

Michelle E. Grey

I opened up my planner, flipping to my December calendar. I had an opening on the 15th. I called her number, making sure that the date was alright with her. After getting off of the call, I wrote it down in my planner.

Cayla's pov:

I walked into the hospital, putting on my coat and my pager. I walked to where I would be working today, which was in the emergency room. I had a couple of patients come in that just needed stitches.

Adaline's pov:

I came back from my class, putting my bag onto my chair. I opened my bag, taking out my binder that had my homework in it. I worked on my homework until it was all finished, putting it back into the binder.

Magnolia's pov:

After all of my classes were over, my roommate and I walked to the library to work on our homework together. We pulled out our biology coloring packets, also taking out our colored pencils.

Note: I don't know if that's an actual phone number, but please do not call it. :)

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