chp. 29

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*later that day*

Elizabeth's pov:

I drove home, working on my lesson plans for next week. I logged onto my laptop, pulling up my lesson plan template, printing one out. I wrote out my lesson plans for next week, putting it into my bag.

Megan's pov: 

After all of the kids had left, I sat down at my desk, working on some papers. I finished up my coffee, putting the cup in the trash. I packed up my things, getting up from my desk, turning the lights off, before shutting and locking my classroom door.

Cayla's pov:

I walked off campus to my car, getting in, before driving to the cafe down the street. I walked in, getting my iced tea with a muffin for a snack after class. I walked outside, getting back into my car, driving home.

*after volleyball practice*

Hope's pov:

After finishing up practice, I took off my jersey, spandex, and kneepads, putting them into my bag. I grabbed both my bags, walking out to my car. I drove home, parking in the driveway. I got out, going inside the house, upstairs to my room. I wrote on a piece of paper everything that I needed to buy for school. I grabbed my list and car keys, going to the store before dinner. 

I drove to Target, picking out all of the things that I needed for school. I paid for them, putting them in backseat of my car. I drove home, taking my stuff up to my room. I took all of my stuff out of the bag, as my mom came into my room.

"How was your day sweetheart?" my mom asked me, fixing the book on my shelf. 

"It was good," I said, pulling a marker out of my desk drawer.

"Do you like all of your teachers?" she asked me, standing at the door.

"Yes. I have Megan for English," I said, putting my phone on my desk. 

"That's good," she said, before leaving the room.

Megan's pov:

I pulled into the driveway, turning my car off. I walked into the garage, going into the house. I put my bag and shoes by the door, going upstairs to my room. I found Joe asleep in the bed, his chest going up and down. I walked to his side, kissing him on the head, hearing him mumble as he turned around. 

I walked downstairs, getting ready to work on something for work. I printed out papers for the students in my classes to fill out for me. I put them into my folder, putting the folder back into my work bag. I heard Joe get out of the bed, coming down the stairs to the kitchen. 

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