chp. 18

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Cayla's pov:

I sat on Alex's bed, working on some reading that I needed to do. After I got done, I changed into my work uniform. I tied my apron around my waist, pinning my name tag to my shirt. I studied a couple of notes that I needed to know for an upcoming test.

Sailor's pov:

I walked down the sidewalk, knocking on Grayson's apartment door, so that he would let me in. He opened the door, locking it after I came inside. I took off my shoes and coat, hanging my coat up on the coat rack.

Megan's pov:

I pulled into the driveway, pushing the button that was on my passenger side visor. I got out of the car, grabbing my backpack, going into the garage. I opened the door, throwing my bag inside. I heard a noise in the garage, so I went out to go and see what it was. All of a sudden, I feel glass go into my back and I get smacked and kicked to the ground.

"Hey, get out of my garage!" I heard a voice say from outside of the house.

I was laying on the floor, curled up into a ball, as I heard footprints coming towards me.

"Baby, are you okay? Does anything hurt? Stay still, while I call the police,
 Joe said, pulling his phone out of his pocket, before sitting down next to me.

I laid on the ground, while Joe was on the phone with police. The police showed up about 10 minutes later, looking at the damage that my father had done to me. He then, drove down the street, going up to my fathers house, banging his fist on the door. My dad opened it, and while we were watching, Joe helped me up, wrapping his arm around my waist. My father was then brought outside and put into handcuffs. The cop took him to the police car, shutting the door when he got in there

*a couple of minutes later*

Joe's pov:

I took Megan's hand, taking her back inside of the garage, pressing the button by the door, to shut the garage. I took her to the bathroom, taking her shirt off, taking the glass out of her back. I threw the pieces of glass into the trashcan, going upstairs to get the first aid kit. I ran back downstairs to the bathroom, opening it up to get out the supplies that I needed to clean up her back.

I took a wash cloth out of the cabinet, running cold water over it. I wiped over the cuts, making sure to wipe all of the blood. I poured a little hydrogen peroxide onto her back, and she grabbed my wrist because it probably hurt a lot. I opened a bandage, placing it on top of one of the cuts.

Luna's pov:

I pulled into the driveway of Ethan and I's apartment, taking Aria out of her car seat. I unlocked the front door, taking Aria upstairs so that she could take a nap. Sloan was already down for his nap, so I walked back downstairs to go get lunch.

Winnie's pov:

I walked back to my teacher's classroom after lunch, sitting at my table. As my classmates came in Ms. Lucas passed out our worksheets. I picked up my pencil, working on my papers. Once everyone was done, we then went out for recess. I sat down in the grass, reading a book that Megan had gotten me for my birthday.

Hope's pov:

I was sitting in class, reading the chapter section that we were supposed to be reading. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, checking to see who texted me.

F: Do you have the extra car key?

H: Do you mean the 3rd one or the 2nd one?

F: The 3rd one.

H: No, mom probably has it.

F: I'll go ask her for it after class.

H: Okay.

*after school*

Faith's pov:

I got into the car with my boyfriend, driving to the river, so that we could go fishing. I pulled into the parking lot by the river, opening the trunk to get out our fishing poles and gear. I heard my phone ring from inside of the car, but I just ignored it.

Hope's pov:

I put on my jersey, sliding my spandex up my legs. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, before putting my kneepads on.  I sat down on the bench, tying my shoes. I noticed that Faith hadn't came in yet, so I called my mom, asking her if she had seen Faith. She told me no, so I called Faith, but of course she did not pick up. I put my phone back into my backpack, going into the gym. We started practicing for our first volleyball game that was coming up soon. About 2 hours later, practice was over and I walked outside. I started walking to my car, when I realized that it wasn't there My mom had a lot of paperwork to do and Joe was at work, so I called Megan to come pick me up.

M: Hello.

H: Can you come pick me up? Faith left with our car after school ended.

M: of course, I will. I'll be right there.

*a couple of minutes later*

Megan pulled up in her car, and I got off of the sidewalk, getting into her car. She pulled out of the parking lot, taking me home.

"Thank you for taking me home, Megan," I said, opening her door to get out.

"Your welcome. Just call me whenever you need me," she said, putting down her window.

Faith's pov:

When we got done fishing, we put away our stuff in the car, going home. I dropped him off at the school, so that he could get his car. I drove home, going into the house when I got there. My mom was standing at the door, waiting for me.

"Where were you?" my mom asked me.

"I was out fishing with my boyfriend," I said, putting my bag onto the floor.

"Did you know that when I got home, Hope had told me that you had left her at the school while she was at volleyball practice, which is where you were supposed to be," my mom said, holding a book in her hand.

"I just didn't want to go to volleyball practice today," I said, sitting down on the couch.

"That doesn't mean you can just leave your sister at the school," my mom said, cupping her face with her hands.

*a couple of days later*

*at practice*

Hope's pov:

Today, we were getting our new volleyball jerseys for our game that was happening on Thursday. Our coach, handed us our jerseys, telling us to go into the locker room, to put them on.


Megan's pov:

I was currently getting into the shower after volleyball practice, so that I would feel better when I go to my sisters-in-laws volleyball game. When I got done, I put on a pair of jeans and one of Joe's shirts. When I got done putting on my clothes, I brushed my hair, putting it into a braid, before we left to go to his sisters game.

*after the game*

Hope's pov:

We had won the first game of our volleyball season. I went into the locker room, taking off my kneepads. I put them into my bag, taking out my medical wrap, wrapping it around my wrist. My couch came in, putting her clipboard into her office.

"Hey, is your wrist okay, Hope?" she asked me, sitting down on the bench in front of me.

"Yeah, it just hurts a little," I said, locking up ,my volleyball locker.

"Just take it easy. If you need, go get an x-ray taken," she said, shutting her office door.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow coach," I said, grabbing my bag and leaving the locker room.

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