chp. 23

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*2 weeks later"

Cayla's pov:

We were all currently starting to get ready to start studying for exams. I texted Alex, seeing if he would come over to help me study. He texted me back, telling me he would be over in about 10 minutes. I ran upstairs, grabbing all of the study materials that I needed.

Alaska's pov:

I was currently out with Braden, walking down the backroads. Braden had dropped out of college, to make sure that I don't do anything stupid. We walked onto a farm, and I was really confused.

"Have you ever ridden a horse?" he asked me, taking me to the horse stable.

"No, but should we be here?" I asked him, still following him.

"It's my grandpop's farm. So we can be here," he replied back to me.

Sailor's pov:

Grayson and I were currently out driving. He turned left, and then took a right. We pulled into the parking lot of a beach. We parked in the parking spot, closest to the stairs. We got out the car, grabbing our bags from the back seat, walking down the stairs to the beach.


Megan's pov:

I got a message from Joe, telling me to meet him in the flower patch behind my grandma's house. I changed into an oversized sweater and a pair of jeans, putting on my sneakers and tying them. I walked downstairs, grabbing my car keys and wallet. I got into my car, pulling out of the driveway, going to my grandma's house.

I pulled into the driveway, turning the car off, before getting out and walking down to the flower patch. Joe was standing at the entrance of the flower patch, waiting for me. Once I got down there, he led me to the area where he had set up a picnic.

"I know you love pizza, so I got us a cheese pizza," he said, sitting down across from me.

Alex's pov:

I woke up this morning, Cayla still asleep, lying next to me. I planted a kiss on her head, before getting out of the bed, putting more of the cover on Cayla. I went to my closet, pulling out one of my thrasher t-shirts, a pair of jeans, as well as my boots. Cayla rolled over so that she was now laying on her back. I kissed her head again, before I left to go to work.

Katie's pov:

I pulled into the parking lot of the bookstore, turning my car off, before going into the store, going to the back, clocking in. I went back to the front, going to the register, because I was a cashier. A couple of hours later, Megan came in, clocking in for her shift. She brought stock out from the back, putting it on the shelves. At about 9 o' clock, my shift was over, so I went to the back, clocking out. I grabbed my stuff, saying goodbye to Megan as I left. I flipped the open sign, so that it read closed. Megan continued to stock the shelves after I left.

Megan's pov:

After Katie left, I continued to stock the shelves. When it was 10 o' clock, I went to the back, clocking out. I went to the front, turning the lights out, locking the door. I went to the back, going out the back door, after setting the alarm. I got into my car, driving home. Joe's car was already in the driveway when I got there. I pulled into the driveway, turning my car off. I got out of my car, going to the front door, putting the key into the lock, unlocking it. I shut the door, taking my shoes off, after I had untied them. I walked into the kitchen, getting a piece of pizza and a tea out of the fridge. I heated the pizza up in the microwave, eating it a couple seconds after I pulled it out.

I drank my tea, going upstairs to the bathroom, so that I could brush my teeth and do my business. I walked into Joe and I's bedroom, taking my clothes off, before putting on one of Joe's t-shirts. Joe was already asleep in our bed, so I quietly got underneath of the covers, giving Joe a kiss on the cheek, before falling asleep myself.

The day after tomorrowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang