chp. 7

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Michelle's pov:

Today, I woke up at 8:00, because I had to text Megan to come over to help me get ready. I texted her, before pulling out my makeup, curling iron, and homecoming dress. I heard a car pull into the driveway, but it was only my dad coming home from work. He came inside, going into the kitchen, where my dad was.

I walked downstairs, getting a mug out of the cabinet. I poured coffee into it, adding sugar and coffee creamer. I stirred it together, giving my dads a kiss. I heard a knock on the door, so I walked into the living room, opening the front door. Megan came inside with her peppermint latte, and a bag of hair stuff and makeup.

We went upstairs and I took my hair out of the ponytail it was in. She grabbed the spray bottle of water, spraying some into my hair. She brushed my hair, getting all of the knots out. She separated my hair into sections, clipping it to the top of my head. She curled my hair, putting my hair into a bun on the back of my head, leaving a strand of hair on both sides.

She curled the two strands of hair a little more, before hairspraying my hair into place. She bobby-pinned the bun more, making sure that it was secure. She put a pink and white flower crown in my hair, making sure it looked perfect. She then, did my makeup. Doing a nice little wing for my eyeliner, and putting on a nice bright red lipstick. After she got done, I put on my dress, Megan helping me zip it up.

Megan's pov:

After I had gotten done helping Michelle get ready for homecoming, I got a text from Joe.

J: Baby girl, where are you? I miss you. (insert heart emoji)

M: I'm at Michelle's house, helping her get ready for homecoming

J: Where are you going to be at 6:00 tonight?

M: Idk yet, baby

J: You, me, date tonight?

M: Of course

Joe's pov:

I called the restaurant, making reservations for tonight at 6. I texted Megan again, telling her to dress in something fancy.

*December 5th*

Cayla's pov:

Megan and I were currently making sure that we had everything ready for tomorrow. She had a list, and was checking things off as I made sure we had them. Megan, then left going to pick up her ring for Joe from the jewelry store down the street, Megan came back a couple of minutes later, with a box that had the ring in it.

The day after tomorrowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora