chp. 42

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*7 months later*

Keyla's pov:

I was currently at work at my mom's hair salon. I had a customer whose hair was currently getting bleached. I set the timer for an hour, and after the hour was up, I took the aluminum foil out of her hair. I had her follow me to the hair station, where I scrubbed special hair coloring shampoo and conditioner in her hair, rinsing it out. I had her sit up, as I put a towel around her hair. 

Kaylin's pov:

Today, I was home with Sophia, while Isabella was at daycare, since she was sick. She woke up crying because her throat was soar. I picked her up out bed, laying her against my chest for a couple of minutes. I took her to her room, putting her in a sweater, some sweatpants, and some booties. I brushed her hair, putting it up into a small bun. I grabbed her hand and we walked to the kitchen so that I could get my car keys and wallet. We walked out to my car, and I put her in the backseat, putting her seatbelt on, before getting into the drivers seat.

Korinna's pov:

Today, I was hanging out with Kaiella and one of her friends. We were sitting at the local cafe when Megan walked in with Joe, hand in hand. They sat down at a booth, ordering their food, talking about something.

*2 months later*

Joseph's pov:

I was at work, working on a car with one of y pals, when we got a call. He got up, answering the call, while I worked under the car. About 2 minutes later, the car was lowered from some reason, crushing on top of my ankle. I yelled and someone lifted the lever so that the car went back up.

Tyler helped me out since he was the one helping me work on the car. Cameron ran over from the car he was working on, helping Tyler pick me up from the cart.

"What is wrong with you, Alexander? You nearly killed me," I said, holding onto my 2 friends who were helping me into the office.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," he said, sitting at a chair in the shop.

*in the office*

"Can someone get my phone out of my locker so that I can call my wife," I said, as Cameron got up to go get my phone.

M: Yes J, What do you need honey.

J: Are you teaching a class right now?

M: I'm in planning right now. What's wrong?

J: I need you to take me to the emergency room, I may have a broken foot.

M: I'll be there in about 5 minutes.

Megan's pov:

I grabbed my classroom keys and my car keys as well as my bag, locking my room's door, going out to my car. I drove to Joe's work to go pick him up. I walked in, walking to the office, where most of the people who worked there were.

"I don't want any of you telling me who did this right now, because I will smack them," I said, as Cameron helped Joe off of the chair.

I saw Alex walk out of the room, going into the locker area. I walked over to Joe, helping Cameron take him out to my car. I thanked him, before getting into the driver's seat of my car.

Joe's pov:

Megan drove me to the hospital, helping me into the emergency room. She was sweet enough to take the rest of the day off. They put me into a wheelchair, admitting me to a room. We went to do an x-ray, and when it came back, I had broken 3 bones severly and would require surgery. We scheduled it to be on Friday in the afternoon, so that Megan could teach her morning classes and be with me for my surgery.

*the next day*

Megan's pov:

I walked into the office of Joe's work, sitting down at the table. Cameron walked in, giving me a temporary leave paper for Joe. Joe had let me fill out the paper, since he was at home, resting his ankle. After I finished filling it out, I handed it to Cameron, so that he could give it to his boss. I left the building, going to work.

*1 month later*

Sailor's pov:

Grayson and I walked down the beach hand in hand. This was the first time since we got home from our honeymoon in Australia. We had the greatest time traveling to Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney. We finally got to the dock, sitting down, putting our feet into the water.

Grayson's pov:

I sat down on the dock, and Sailor sat down next to me. She put her head onto my shoulder, and I put my head on top of hers, kissing her hand. We sat there for a while just looking at the ocean moving with the wind. Sailor almost fell asleep, so I picked her up, taking her back to my truck. I put her in the passenger seat, putting her seatbelt around her, covering her with a blanket I had in the back of the truck. 

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