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*the next day*

Caitlin's pov:

I walked up the hill of the graveyard, going to my best friends grave. I sat down in front of it, explaining all of my feelings. I busted out in tears, and I heard footsteps coming near me. I wiped my tears with my hand, getting up, brushing off the back of my pants. I said goodbye to Daniel's grave, going back to my car. I took a tissue out of my purse, wiping my eyes.

Elana's pov:

I sat on top of the hill, working on some homework that I had to do for photography. I was currently working on some pictures that I had to take of landscapes. I logged into my school email, sending the pictures to my teacher so that my assignment would be done. I then worked on some homework for my sociology classes.

Keyla's pov:

I walked up the sidewalk to my moms hair salon, going inside. The salon didn't open until 9, so my mom had time to start dying my hair. I was looking through the book of hair colors that I could choose from, until I came to this gorgeous silver hair. I showed my mom the picture, and she got all of the stuff ready to dye my hair silver. I sat in the chair at her station, as she took her brush out of the drawer. She brushed my hair, then took the colors mixing them together, applied to my hair with a dying brush, wrapping foil to keep it in place.

Savannah's pov:

I sat in animal studies, learning about the bones in many farm animals. I looked at the powerpoint on my computer, filling in the diagrams that I had in front of me. After I got them done, I put them into my binder. I took my biology homework out of my bag, opening up the biology powerpoint, taking some notes on my homework papers

Korinna's pov:

I sat on the porch of my house, working on a new palette. I looked in the mirror, blending my eyeshadow some more. I dug through my bin, looking for my black eyeliner. I finally found it at the bottom of the bin. I opened up the bag that was in the bin, pulling out my red lipstick. After I got done, I went back inside, going to my bedroom to change my outfit. I changed into a peach colored sweater with a pair of jeans and my black combat boots. I grabbed my backpack, going to my car.

Taylor's pov:

I sat on the porch, working on some homework that I needed to do for math. I justified all of my work, making sure that I had the right answers. I then, opened up my social studies book, so that I could work on a couple of worksheets that I didn't finish in class. Once I got done, I shut my textbook, putting it to the side.

Katie's pov: (shoutout to Katie, I know your reading this <3)

I sat in theater, learning my lines to a play that we have to learn. After we had finished starting to learn our lines, we had 3 hours of dance lessons. I tied my ballet shoes around my ankles, as our teacher began teaching us the choreography.


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