chp. 41

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Chris's pov:

After Hope fell asleep, I went onto my instagram posting one of the pictures that our friend has sent us. I captioned it: Finally get to be with my best friend for the rest of my life. <3

Megan's pov:

I logged onto my computer, pulling my email up. I went through each email, coping down any important information that I needed to know for work. I put the notepad on the stand, going to to the bathroom to take out my contacts.

Magnolia's pov:

I went onto my instagram, scrolling through my feed. I found a post from Chris of him and Hope with the caption: Finally get to be with my best friend for the rest of my life. <3. I commented on the post saying: It's about time. I'm so happy for you guys. 


Adaline's pov:

After I got off of my plane home from Florida, I walked into my dad's house. He was in the kitchen, making dinner. I went to my room, putting my bag in there. 

Hope's pov:

Chris and I were currently home for Easter and we were having dinner with my family. I sat next to Chris, and we passed around the food. Towards the end of dinner, my mom realized the ring on my finger. 

"I hope that's an engagement ring because I'll be really excited if it is," my mom said, eating her dessert.

"Yes, it is an engagement ring. Chris and I are engaged," I said, Chris wrapping his arm around my waist. 

Cayla's pov:

I couldn't believe that my baby sister was growing up. She was engaged to the boy she's been in love with since she was 10 years old. 

*3 days later*

Sophia's pov:

Jake and I had just gotten back from our honeymoon. We picked up Daisy and Penelope from Mackenzie's house. I thanked her, giving her $50 because we appreciated that she would take the time off to watch my kids.

Caitlin's pov:

I walked down the stairs on my apartment building, locking it behind me. I walked down the street of the cafe, walking in, sitting down at a booth. Sailor and Grayson were sitting at a table close to mine, looking through wedding magazines.

Sailor's pov:

Grayson and I were at the cafe, eating our lunch while looking through wedding magazines. Tomorrow, I was going with Alaska to look for a wedding dress. Then, afterwards Grayson and I were going to Mackenzie's to try cakes. 

*the next day*

Sailor's pov:

I picked my phone off of the passenger seat, calling Alaska. Two minutes later, Alaska came out of the house, carrying her lanyard that had her keys and wallet on it. She got into my car, putting on her seatbelt. I drove to the dress shop, parking in the parking lot. 

Grayson's pov:

While Sailor was out looking at dresses with her sister, Ethan and I went out looking for a new dress shirt and tie. Sailor and I had chosen blue and white as our wedding colors. I found a dark blue tie and I also found a white dress shirt, buying both.

Alaska's pov:

I was looking through the racks of wedding dresses to find the perfect one for my sister. I found a long, flowy one that I thought was perfect for her. I took it off of the rack, handing it to her. She walked in the dressing room, trying on each of the dresses, coming out showing me each of them. We both liked the one that I picked out for her, so she bought it. She also picked out a veil and a pair of white heels. We went back to her car, and she dropped me off at my house.

Braden's pov:

I open the front door for Alaska, letting her into the house. She put her bagged dress onto the couch, walking to the kitchen to help me fix lunch.

Megan's pov:

Joe and I walked down the street to the bakery after I had gotten off of work. We walked in, ordering our food with Cameron. Michelle came out from the back, giving us a red velvet cupcake with peppermint frosting.

"I specially made these since I knew you guys would be here," she said, sitting the plates in front of us. 

"Thank you Michelle," I said, giving her a hug, before she went back to the back.  

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