chp. 35

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*7 days later*

Cayla's pov:

I walked up the stairs of the science building, walking to my human anatomy class. I walked in, taking out my notebook and laptop, so that I could write down some notes. I grabbed my pencil out of my pocket, so that I could write them.

My semester was almost over and we were having exams next week, so I had to start studying the newest set of notes. I added them to my binder of stuff that I needed to study. The class ended about 10 minutes later. I gathered all of my things, heading home to study for my exam.

Hope's pov:

I was currently studying for my English exam which was tomorrow. Tomorrow was Thursday meaning that Friday we didn't have class because we had graduation practice, since graduation was on Saturday. I was writing down the vocabulary words that I needed to know for my exam, when the door bell rang downstairs. I walked downstairs, and my mom was letting Chris in. 

"You can come upstairs to help me study if you want to," I said, walking back up the stairs to my room.

"Okay," he said, walking up the stairs behind me.

We walked into my room, and he sat down on my bed. I finished my flashcards, handing them to Chris so that he could quiz me.

"What is iconoclast?" he asked me, flipping the card.

"Iconoclast is the one who attacks or seeks to overthrow popular or traditional, belief, ideas, or institutions," I said, as he put the card behind all of the rest.

We went through every card, until his mom texted him to come home for dinner. I kissed him, telling him I would talk to him later. 

*an hour later*

I walked into my bathroom, taking my clothes off, so that I could take a shower. I turned on the water, so that the knob read warm. I got into the tub, closing the curtain. I grabbed my red apple shower gel, putting it on the loofa, washing my body. I pumped 2 pumps of Pantene into my hand, scrubbing my hair. I rinsed out the shampoo, turning the water off. I wrapped a towel around my body and one around my hair.

I walked into my room, opening up my top dresser drawer, getting out a pair of underwear and a matching bra. I bent down opening the third drawer, getting out an old basketball shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I walked back to the bathroom, taking the towel off. I put on my undergarments, putting on my shirt and shorts. I took the towel out of my hair, hanging it up on the back of the door with the other one. I brushed my hair, putting on a headband to hold my hair back. I set out everything I needed for tomorrow morning, going into my room. I grabbed my flashcards, continuing to study. 

At about 9:00, I walked downstairs, grabbing my tea from earlier out of the fridge. I walked back upstairs, laying down on my bed, studying the vocab words 2 more times, before studying the rest of the stuff I needed to know for my English exam.

*the next day*

Preston's pov:

I woke up, remembering that I have an English exam today. I of course being the way I am, decided not to study. I got out of my bed, picking a shirt and a pair of shorts out of my dresser. I put them on, brushing my hair, making it look nice. 

Hope's pov:

I woke up, putting on a pair of gym shorts and one of my old volleyball shirts. I walked over to my window, opening up my curtains. I walked into the bathroom, brushing my hair, while my straightener heated up. I walked back to my window, opening it up. I went back to the bathroom, straightening my hair. I put in my headband, going into my room to gather all of my stuff. I put my notebooks and binder into my bag, tying a rubberband around my flashcards. I got a text from Chris saying "come to your window." I went to my window, looking across since that is where his window is. He held up 5 minutes, meaning that he would be over in 5 minutes to get me. I gave him a thumbs up, putting on my sandals. I grabbed my bag, wallet, keys, and sunglasses, going downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where Faith was making herself breakfast. I heard a knock on the door, signaling that it was time for me to leave. I opened the door, locking it behind me. Chris grabbed my hand, and we walked down the stairs to his car parked in his parents driveway.

He drove to Dunkin Donuts, and he ordered a french vanilla frappucinno and ordered me a hazelnut iced coffee. I handed him the money for them, but he insisted on paying for them. The cashier handed him our drinks, and he handed me mine before pulling off, driving to the school. We walked in, going to our first period which was Psychology with Mrs. Analz. I took my psychology book out of my backpack, working on a worksheet that our teacher gave us yesterday after our exam.

Megan's pov:

I sat at my desk, putting together my 5th periods exams. I stapled the papers together, putting them into a folder, setting it to the side. While my students were having free time, I entered the last of the grades that I needed to enter. The bell soon rang, and the kids left going to the next class. The next group of students came in and some brought me gifts.

*4 hours later*

My 5th period came in, sitting down at their desks. As soon as the bell rang, I took attendance, passing out their exams afterwards. I sat at my desk, making sure that nobody was cheating on their exam.

Hope's pov:

I opened up my exam packet, working on the vocabulary part first. Once I finished the vocabulary, I moved on to writing the essay. I finished my exam in about 50 minutes, turning it in.  

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