chp. 36

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*the next day*

Megan's pov:

Since today was my students' graduation practice, I had no classes to teach today. I was also the class adviser, so I would be spending most of my day in the gym. The kids went straight to the gym while having on their caps and gowns. I walked into the gym, while the students were in the hallway, getting in alphabetical order. Some of the junior class was helping to set up chairs for both rehearsal and graduation tomorrow.

*the next day*

*that morning*

Chris's pov:

I woke up at 8:30 this morning, since the officers and I were going out to lunch, before we graduated. I put on a shirt and a pair of jeans, getting ready to go to lunch.

*after lunch*

After lunch, we all went back to our houses to get ready for graduation. I went up to my room, grabbing my suit out of my closet. I put my suit on, having my sister tie my tie. I texted Hope and the rest of the officers to meet me at the school in 2 hours, so that we could take pictures and get our stuff set up. 

Hope's pov:

I put on my white dress, plugging in my curling iron. I brushed my hair, making sure that there was no knots. I got all of the makeup that I needed out, putting it on top of my desk. My curling iron was heated up, so I curled my hair, spraying it with hairspray. I put in my headband, so that it would stay out of my face while I did my makeup.

My phone went off, signaling that I was getting a facetime call. I answered it, putting it against my wall. I put a black shirt over my dress, so that I would not get any makeup on it, since it was white. 

"I made my brother go buy me a new highlighter since he broke my old one," Magnolia said, while putting on her highlighter.

"He was probably going to buy you a new one anyway," I said, doing the crease of my eye with the shade connection from my always golden eyeshadow palette.

"Your probably right," she said, starting her eyeshadow.

*an hour later*

Magnolia's pov:

I walked downstairs, grabbing my car keys off of the counter. I grabbed my binder off of the counter as well, heading outside to get into my car. I drove to the high school so that the officers and I could set up our stuff. 

*15 minutes later*

Hope and I walked into the gym, walking up to where we would be sitting. I put the binder on the podium, opening it up to where the opening speech was. Hope put a program on each chair including where parents would be sitting.

*2 hours later*

Chris's pov:

Hope and I walked down the hall so that we could get into our spots, while the parents were going into the gym. Mrs. Harder came down the hall, fixing our stoles if we need help. She helped Hope fix hers since she had 5 of them to wear. 

*30 minutes later*

Hope's pov:

"Okay, ladies and gentleman we are ready to go in," my sister-in-law said, as they began to play the music. We all walked in and the offices and I sat at our seats on stage. I walked down the stage so that I could go do the national anthem. Afterwards, I walked back up to go to my seat. Megan started off our graduation with the opening speech, flipping the page when she was done. After Megan had sat down, Christ walked up to the podium, so that he could read the welcome speech. 

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