chp. 13

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\Harold's pov:

I was currently in my apartment, packing up my stuff because I was moving back to Los Angeles. I packed up my glass jars, wrapping them in newspaper. When I was all done, I took them downstairs, putting them into my car. Once I had everything in my car, I turned my keys in into the realtor, getting into my car before driving out of the parking lot, on my way to Los Angeles. I stopped by the gas station, filling up my gas tank, paying before going into the building. I got some food, buying it, getting back into my car, on my journey to Los Angeles.

*a day later*

I pulled into the driveway of my new house, meeting the realtor for the keys. I looked down the street to see my daughter sitting on the porch of her house with her probably now husband. I thanked the realtor, opening the trunk of my car.

Megan's pov:

I was currently showing Joe a scrapbook of me when I was younger. I was currently showing him pictures of me the day that my father had left. My mom had taken them before I had found out that my father left. I looked up, to see my dad at the house down the street, that was up for sale a couple of weeks ago. I looked back down, flipping to the next page.

"I didn't have a very good relationship with my father. He was abusive to me," I said, before showing him the set of pictures.

Joe put his arm around me, pulling me next to him more, putting my head onto his shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his back, shutting the scrapbook with my other hand. I saw my dad walk back and forth from his car to his house.

Joe's pov:

A couple of minutes later, I went into the house, going to the fridge to get Megan and I's tea out.  I went back outside, and she was now sitting in the grass. I walked down the front stairs, handing her her tea I noticed tear drops going down the side of her face. I sat down next to her, wiping away her tears.

Megan's pov:


"No, please stop," I said, trying to push my father away.

"Get back here. You know what happens when you get in trouble," he said, pushing me against the wall.

He started hitting me, throwing me against the wall. A couple hours later, my mom asked me why I had so many bruises on my arms. I just told her the truth, cause honestly I couldn't lie to her.

*flashback over*

I started pouring down in tears and Joe picked me up, taking me into the house. He took me upstairs, setting me onto the bed, sitting down on the floor to take off my shoes. He slid my shoes off of my feet, sitting them next to my dresser.

He got up, giving me a kiss, before going to the bathroom. He started the water in the bathtub, filling it up. He came back, grabbing my hand, taking me into the bathroom. He helped me take off my shirt, putting it into the laundry hamper. I took off the rest of my clothes, Joe helping me into the bathtub. He got down on the floor, cupping his hands to put water into, putting the water onto my hair.  He grabbed the shampoo, putting some into his hand, scrubbing it into my hair. He went the kitchen, leaving  me in the bathtub all by myself.

He came back, holding a plastic cup. He got back down on the floor, scooping up water onto my head, scrubbing the shampoo out of my hair. He then, grabbed a hairtie out of the drawer, putting my hair into a high ponytail.  He grabbed the loofa, putting his watermelon body wash onto it. He sat on the edge of the bathtube, scrubbing my shoulders with the loofa. He washed the body wash off, going  into our bedroom, to get me clothes.  He came back with my volleyball shirt and a pair of shorts, as well as my underwear and bra. He helped me out of the tube, wrapping the towel around me. I sat down on the edge of the tube, putting on my underwear on, and then my bra.

"I'll be here if you need anything, baby. It's okay to go to sleep. I 'm not going anywhere, ever," he said, kissing me on the head, sitting in the chair beside the bed.

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