chp. 44

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*late July*

Michelle's pov:

I sat on the floor of the bathroom at 5 am, throwing up. My dads and I already know what it was, but we were planning on telling Cameron in a cute way. Cameron was already at work, so once I got done, I drove to my dads' house, so that we could finish up the thing that we were making.

*after work*

Cameron's pov:

After I got home from work, I walked into the kitchen like Michelle had texted me to do. 

"Okay. I want you to open this very slowly," she said, handing me a card. 

I opened the card very slowly until it was fully open. I read the inside, it read you + me = three. I started tearing up a little.

"Are you pregnant?" I asked her, wiping my tears away.

She shook her head yes, and I got up, hugging her. I couldn't believe that I was having a kid with the love of my life. We have been waiting to have a kid for forever. 

Joe's pov:

I heard my phone go off, signaling that I got a text message.

C: Can you and Megan meet up with Michelle and I at the bakery like right now?

J: Yeah, we can. We'll be there in a couple of minutes.

Megan came downstairs, already ready to go. She had her hair in a high bun with a bandana around it. I grabbed my keys, grabbing her hand, so that we could leave. We got into the car, going to the bakery. We found the table that Michelle and Cameron were sitting at. We sat down at the table, ordering our food.

Megan's pov:

After we sat down and ordered our food, Michelle pulled out a piece of paper putting it in front of us. It read: you + me = three on the inside of it. I started tearing up, because I knew my best friend was pregnant with her husbands baby. 

"I'm so excited for you that I'm crying," I said, wiping my tears away with my napkin. 

"We wanted to know if you guys would be the godparents of our child," Cameron said, putting his arm around Michelle. 

"Of course we will," Joe said, crying tears of joy.

Cayla's pov:

I grabbed my lab coat out of my locker, putting my id badge on the side, grabbing my pager.I went down to the emergency room, where I was assigned. I had a patient come in with sharp pains, nausea, and loss of appetite. I filled out the paper with the symptoms, paging my resident. My resident came about 30 minutes later, after I finished giving the patient a physical exam, a blood test and a urine test.

"So, here are the lab results of the blood and urine test," I said, handing the papers to my resident.

"It seems like appendicitis and my intern here will tell you all about it, while I go book an or," my resident said, before leaving to go book an or.

"Well basically appendicitis is the inflammation of your appendix. When this happens, this causes excruciating pain which was one of your symptoms and can come with vomiting as well. Although you can live without it, you don't want to let it rupture. If it ruptures, it can kill you. The fluids inside of the inflamed appendix is yucky and is infectious fluids. It can cause issues with the lining of your stomach," I told the patient, writing in her patient book.

"What about the surgery part?" the patient asked me, after I had finished writing in her book.

"The surgery is called an appendectomy. It's basically you either cut or you do a minimally invasive route. You cut and go or go in with these tiny surgical instruments. They make all these little tiny cuts and go in with a little camera, so they can see and use little instruments to do the deed," I said, answering her question.

Winnie's pov:

Since it was summer, I had to go school supply shopping for when I go to 6th grade. My mom took me to the store, helping me pick out my school supplies. 

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