chp. 26

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Cayla's pov:

I sat at the table, working on a couple of things I needed to do. I logged onto my computer, I went onto the waterbill website, paying for it.

Alaska's pov:

I was finally adjusting to being in the asylum. My room was set up with a couple of things that I had brought from home. Braden had come to see me the other day and had brought me my favorite hoodie of his and my blanket. They never questioned how I got my blanket, probably because they already knew.

I heard a knock on the door, I yelled for them to come in. Megan came in with Joe behind her. They sat down on my bed, turning towards me.

"First off, let me start by saying that Braden and I have tried to get you out of here," Megan told me, fixing her ponytail.

"I know. Braden told me," I told her, putting my book away.

* a few days later*

Cameron's pov:

Recently, Michelle hadn't been feeling well. Since it was winter, I totally understood why. I was currently downstairs, when Michelle started coughing upstairs. I ran upstairs, and she could hardly breathing because she was coughing so bad. She finally quit coughing, but still had issues breathing.

I picked her up, carrying her downstairs to my car. I drove her to the emergency room, and they took her in immediately. They hooked her up to an iv, taking her blood pressure. They took a couple of tests, before they came back and told us that she had pneumonia. They gave me a couple of prescriptions, and I told her I would go to our pharmacy to go get them filled.

Kaylin's pov:

I put the girls into a sweater and a pair of pants, putting on their jackets and hats. Tyler grabbed Sophia, while I picked up Isabella, taking them downstairs, to go to the babysitters.

Megan's pov:

Joe and I, sat on top of the roof, looking out over the neighborhood. I was writing in my notebook, writing down some notes that were in my psychology book. Joe sat beside me, with our snowflake blanket around us. It was about 47 degrees out, which was not typical for California. About 30 minutes later, we went inside, shutting the balcony door, locking the lock. I sat my book on my desk, plugging my phone into the charger. I slid under the covers as Joe plugged his phone into his charger. He pulled back the covers on his side, getting into bed. 

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