Chapter 1 - The Days

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I stared into her deep green eyes that sparkled under the bright, moonlight. We sat peacefully under the tree where very few weeds sprout out from under the rich soil. The headwinds blow her hair around her face, framing it perfectly. Making her even more impossibly beautiful.

   How I got lucky with her, I don't know, but what I do know, is that now I have her back, and no one is going to deprive me from her. We made the promise to never let go. but I made the promise I couldn't keep.

The midnight horizon is bright while all the stars glint in a utopian constellation. Its silent. Its the silence that is comforting, peaceful, and impeccable.

My gaze meets Jay's once again, her long blonde hair now falling limp at her shoulders. She lifts her head and her green irises meet mine in my gaze, not breaking away any time soon. Her lips lift into a beautiful smile, her white teeth showing.

All the sudden, she stands up with a playful look painted on her face and she starts a bolting run off into the meadow that goes on and on for miles. I have no idea where we are, but I really don't care either, just as long as we're together, I'm complete. These are the days we'v been waiting for.

I involuntarily stand up with a smirk playing over my lips as I chase after her and her white lace shirt that is blowing in the wind as she runs faster.

Nothing is running through my mind at this moment...besides this moment. It seems so perfect, like no one can take this away. Its like the barriers are unreachable. Unbreakable and unpredictable. And I love it. Nothing can mess this up...nothing.

Off in the distance, I hear her loud laughter and it makes my heart warm up instantly.

But it all changed when she was no longer in sight, she disappeared. She was gone. My feet plant themselves stiffly in the tall grass and my head whips in every direction, searching for the particular blonde.

But nothing, I find nothing. No sign. No path.

I still hear her laughter though, its taunting me, repeating every new cycle. But it all comes to a sudden halt when I feel something jump on my back, and I go stumbling forward into the soft wild grass of the meadow.

The giggling continues and when I turn my body so that my back was against the rich soil, I finally see her and my muscles relax from their previously tense stance.

She lowers her head down and places a gentle kiss on my lips. I lift my arm up and tangle my fingers all up in her hair, refusing to let go. I kiss her back with all the love I could gather. This was truly what I was wishing for.

The moon shined bright above us, casting silhouettes over the very few trees that lingered the plains. And we stayed like this, for what seemed forever. Her touch left my body is sparks, making my body go into overdrive.

I never want this moment to end, never.

Now that I have her back, it's perfect. These are the days we will never forget. Everything feels so real, the smells, touch, and scenery. It all feels as if its real, but I know when I leave this place I call heaven, I wont remember much of it.

I'll only remember snippets of this kiss that is so passionate. I'll only remember a little bit of her laughter that I haven heard in so long. I'll only remember the faint lights of the city that danced and twinkled far off into the distance.

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