Chapter 14 - Tough Decision

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A loud gasp escapes my lips at eh sudden realization of who it is that kneels hopelessly on the ground, shivering and fearful for their life.



"Now that we're all here, we can actually start our evening off with what I have planned for us." Something about the way he said it made me feel uncertain, panic stricken you might call it. Jo-Je was still struggling to sit up on her wobbly knees as Caitlyn held her by the collar of her ripped up, blue business suit for work. Tears were continuing to roll down her cheeks and staining her tore up black skirt that had slits cut at the corners. Her eyes were full of fear and discomposure; she often snuck glances at me, silently pleading for my help, though I don't know how to help her.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he states, jarring me out of my thoughts and snapping me back to reality.

"What is 'this' thing you keep talking about?" I spat harshly, trying to sound rapid and senseless. All around me - once again - the crowd erupts into a never ending despair of dark chuckling, a female voice heard amongst them all. My eyes flicker over to Caitlyn's figure and see her laughing her calamitous laugh, her shoulders bouncing rhythmically to her giggles and loud cachinnates.

"Well, little miss Jay," the way he spits my name is unnerving, "why don't I show you." Once more, he snaps his fingers and the vibrations echo through the whole voided area of vacant space, though I don't know how it's doing that because there seems to be no walls...only caliginosity. My mind started to drift off further in the finger snapping echoes, but is brought back to now at the vigorous sound of something clicking into place, something that I thought I would never have to hear again...ever again.

A gun and a bullet clicking into it's chamber.

My skin and blood runs cold as I slowly turn my body to the direction the petrifying clicking sound came from. My irises instantaneously meet with Walker. He's not in his old spot - directly in front of me - but is now standing behind Jo-Je's violently shaking figure, a metal machine pointed and touching the back of her head, wisps of her staticky hair attaching themselves to the barrel and the tip.

My breaths coming out in uneven heaves now as my heart beat quickens to the flow of my pulse, I try to stand and rush over to Walker who now has a tight grip of Jo-Je, Caitlyn is now on the outskirts of the area where them two were positioned on the cold, dark grey, concrete floor.

"Please." Jo-Je hisses through clenched teeth, trying hard not to let the barrier of tears fall like they've been this whole time.

As I make my way to move my vacillating legs, I'm stopped by a large bleak hand connecting with my shoulder, it's grip tightening, holding me in a steady grip that hurt. The hand strained me from moving a single bit, I jerk my head around to see who it is, but am not surprised when I come face-to-face with a large buff Shadow Man with shaded eyes and a flawless black tuxedo - the same as every other man that is perfectly surrounding the edges of the lighted circle.

"Now Jay, we can either do this the easy way and you listen to me, or, being the stubborn being you are, you don't listen and this goes the hard way, taken by your reaction...I see you already know what the hard way is." He snickers making the hairs on my arms stand on edge with rage and exasperation.

"What do I have to do?"

"It's so simple, really," I give him a skeptical look. He let's out a breath and a dark, mischievous chuckle followed by a grin. "Either you do this, which is do as I say to Camden, or I shoot."

Getting tired of his stalling, I speak my mind, "What do you want me to do!?"

"Get rid of him, not in the 'break up' way, or whatever you call it, but in a way where he's permanently gone...for good."

"But he's your son!" I yell, but he shrugs it off as if it's no big deal which only makes me more disordered.

"I don't care wether he's my son or not, I never loved him and he's done nothing but cause trouble."

I let his words linger in the thick moisture-less air.

"Your choice," his voice rings in the air once more.

"Scarlett, please. Don't do it. You don't need me." She speaks slowly, soothingly. Thought the expression on her face shows that it's painful to speak, to tell her thoughts, her message.

"No, I need you."

"No, no you don't. Look at you, you're all grown up now, you don't need me anymore."

Walker stands patiently behind Jo-Je still, listening to us, his mouth twisting to the side as if he's tasting something bile.

He's literally making me choose between Keith or Jo-Je.

I don't think I've ever felt so conflicted in my life. choosing one or the other, it doesn't feel right. It feels so wrong.

"I'm giving you twenty seconds, make your decision quick," he demands.

"I...I can't." I whisper more to myself.

"What's that? I can't hear you, can you speak a little louder and clearer?" He mocks, cupping his hand around his ear demonstrating how horrible his hearing is.

"I...I s-said I c-can't" I say. This time clearer and louder, though the words left me in a pit of fear and uncertainty.

"Very well then!" With the loud click echoing in the room, the quick fire from the barrel of the gun sounds, making my ears ring.

Her helpless body falls to the ground.

She's gone.


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