Chapter 13 - Deja Vu

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The floor was cold, my legs threatening to give out from underneath me as they shake violently, struggling to function. My mind was running at impeccable speeds, my thoughts a jumbled up mess. My vision was cloudy, making it almost unimaginable to see clearly around me. All around my body that is stressing on giving up, my ears pick up petrifying screams and whimpers for help and mercy.

The voice that sounds like three reminded me of someone. It's soft, soothing tone penetrating my brain, making my whole body want to stop and scream and shout out in frustration and confusion. I have no idea where I am, my surroundings a blur, and the screams only growing louder and louder.

Then I hear it.

My name.


It comes out in almost a whisper, a faint noise that I was barely able to grasp. The voice - different from the one that was constantly screaming out in agony - kept repeating my name. With no meaning. With no emotion. Just my name.

Over and over and over again.

I'm distraught, I can't help but yell 'stop' to the voice that is now turning into ten. My name continues to escape the mouth of someone. Someone who I thought wouldn't haunt me any longer, someone I thought to be long gone from me, well at least for the time being.


The surrounding area I was casted in grew larger, a single light from above my head flickered on, it's dimness shining overhead and presenting a pair of feet at the outskirts of the illuminated circle that the created on the cold, solid, concrete floor.




My name turned into a chant, a brutal chant coming from surrounding voices that sounded distant but were so close at the same time. How? I don't know. I look all around me in a frantic manor,whipping my head ever which way only to be welcomed with the familiar darkness I knew all too well. That is, until they decided to step out of the shadows. Their dark suits fashioned the way they always were. Their large, bulky bodies closing off all my chances for escape as they stand shoulder to shoulder, leaving me in the middle as they peer at me with hungry eyes from behind their shades. It felt as if I was the pray and they were the wolves waiting for their midnight feast.




The harsh chanting comes to a halt, all at once stopping completely. It left the area silent, no movement, no sound. It was as if the Shadow Men have turned into statues of stone, refusing to budge, refusing to let me free from this familiar formation that once happened that now feels like years ago, though it was only a few months. When we were running, when we were at Brett's house, when I thought we were safe, only to be bombarded with violent thoughts that one day in the meadow.

The vivid memories of all the Shadow Men crowded around me, only to move out of the way to revel the piercing sight of the one I love most and his friend from childhood lying limp in the tall, stringy, black and white grass. Everything was black and white then, the same as it is now. My eyes are deprived from all color. Only shades of black, gray, and white stand out to my irises.

"Well," the raspy voice speaks firm and clear through the thin, dry air.

"Well what?" I manage to say.

UNFAZED - Book Three In The Unknown Identity Series Where stories live. Discover now