Chapter 12 - "What's Done Is Done"

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Jay walks into the apartment, and I follow close behind her, closing and locking the door. She came around the corner, but stopped abruptly in her step. It was at that moment I knew, that she came face to face with her all time enemy.


Jay's POV




My feet planted themselves in the rug, as if they were weights that were impossible to move. They wouldn't budge, no matter how much I wanted to move, it was as if I was petrified, restricted from any movement. I'm staring at him wide-eyed, wondering what he's doing here in this apartment and what did he want.

Was this another sick, cruel joke of his?

Was he planning on doing something unforgivable?

He finally realized that I was standing nothing but seven feet away from him, staring intently into his soul, trying to bury him under my feet, to make his disappear so I don't have to see him and his messed up personality anymore than I have to.



"Jay please-"

"Get out!" I screamed, I was about to charge forward, finally allowed to move when a sudden gentle grip at my waist restrains me from moving forward, the touch made my skin heat up, making my heart flourish.

"Scarlett please, hear him out." Keith whispered softly into my ear, at an effort to try and calm me down, which it didn't. I can't, not when the person I despised most was sitting there in my own apartment, staring at me with a certain dumbfounded Look painted on his face, his eyes clouded over with what looked like sorrow, but what for?

What would Bennett Jones be sorry for? He's never sorry, I wouldn't doubt if he's actually ever said that word before, if he did or has already, I would be astonished, but,he hasn't so therefore I'm unimpressed. I started to try to rip his grip off my waist, but it didn't work, it only made him grip tighter, and more fierce; he's trying hard to contain me, while I'm struggling to not unleash my rage, though I want to so bad.

   "Come here real fast," he whispers in my ear again.

   I do as he says,  but before leaving to follow him wherever he's going to go, I give Bennett daggers and the dirtiest look I could put together, it was a mix of infuriation, irritation, and pure disgust.  Keith takes hold of my hand and tugs me toward the hallway to my room. He opens the door, the hinges creaking and squealing, making me cringe and tense up to the unpleasant sound. I walked through the door frame and into the familiar room I knew all too well, everything was the same, besides the unmade bed and the blinds closed. I always left them open, though I really don't know why I do it...I just do, add that to the list of odd things I do I guess.

Keith lets go of my hands, turning to face me, looking sincere.

"Why the heck is he here?! What does he want? Is he planning a sick, cruel joke on me? What was going through your mind when you allowed him in here?" My tone was full of anger, it infuriates me that he's here. Honestly, i don't even care if he's listening in on this conversation. He can listen all he wants, he already know how much I hate him, so why hide it?

"Honestly...I don't know. But what I do know is that I trust him a little bit..."

"Are you crazy?! Have you lost your mind all of a sudden? What the heck is wrong with you?" I deadpan.

"I actually think he's telling the truth about what he told me, I think he's sorry for what he did and wants to apologize, and I trust him."

"Says the one who beat the crap out of him," I mutter under my breath, but obviously not quiet enough.

"Jay, please. Just trust me on this. I think he really is sorry and wants to make it up to you, you know...and start again."

"Too late now." I say, pivoting on my foot and striding to the door, leaving him and the conversation at a stand still. I'm mentally preparing myself not to flip out on Bennett who's outside the door, I really don't want to go back to that stupid hospital because I might accidentally break someone's arm.


"Stop, Keith. There's nothing you can do to change my mind, I want him out, and I don't care about what he has to say about being sorry. What's done is done, and there's not a thing in this world that can change what happened and the fact that he hurt me, physically and mentally. Oh and by the name's not Jay anymore, it's Scarlett." I state, though I know he already knows that.

He lets out a frustrated groan, running him ands through his hair and down the side of his face, obviously annoyed at no other than me because I'm refusing to give Bennett - the guy who broke me - a chance to explain himself, because most likely, it's just a bunch of fed up lies that he's gonna tell me to try and earn my trust just so that he can hurt me all over again. I'm not gonna let it happen a second time, once is way more than enough for something as serious as that to happen again.

"Fine," he let out a frustrated sigh and followed me to the door, "I'll go tell him to leave, you stay here."

Something about his tone made me uncertain.


He nodded, giving me a weak smile, then disappearing out the door and my line of sight, lost to the empty walls and corridors of the apartment structure. Off to the kitchen, I heard faint whispers, though I couldn't make out what they were saying, it made me curious, but not enough to go out there and see what was going on, instead I decided to stay here, just like Keith told me to. I stride over to the bed that was in the center of the far right wall, flopping down on it weakly. Once I came in contact with the sheets and blankets, the familiar sent of someone caught my attention.


Was he sleeping here when I was gone, still at the hospital?

I let the thought slide when my vision began to fill with dark circles, the sudden drowsiness taking over my mind, shutting it down. Then, my eyelids felt heavy and not even seconds later, they shut tight, the familiar darkness taking over me.


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