Chapter 2 - Teammates!

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Geez what's wrong with me?!

I couldn't stop blushing when I kept thinking about Ren my own brother. Why won't it stop?!

Ruby smiled nervously looking at me trying eat to forget these thoughts but it wouldn't work.

"I know you have a crush on Ren since you were 6 years old but nothing is wrong with confessing" she sighed.

"He's my brother...adopted brother. It will be so awkward between us and I don't want that to happen!" I sobbed covered in despair.

I sighed looking at the school clock tower and realized Ren hasn't showed up to our first meeting with Hollis as a principal.

"You better try to get him here before Hollis kills him" she laughed nervously.

Time skipped....

I went to his room and knocked on the door. No one answered but I heard his snoring and mumbling cute things. Why life is so unfair? I just want to be with him more than a sister.

I used one of my hair pins to open the door then saw him and his roommates sleeping. I crawled into his bed then blushed extremely staring at his shirtless body.

"Ren" I whispered poking him in his sides.

"Hehe......fishes are so pretty" he giggled in his sleep.


"Oh shit" he became frightened then fell off the bed on top of me.

I blushed extremely covering my eyes and his roommates woke up staring at us.

"A girl?!" they smiled running to me.

I hid behind him and he glared at them. "Guys stop scaring my sis" he sighed.

"Your sister?! She's so hot" they exclaimed shaking him.

"I like her hair. It reminds me of ice cream somehow" one smiled softly.

"Thanks" I smiled nervously.

"She talks!"

Ren smiled patting my head then looked at the time. "We are late!" he screamed running to their changing room then they ran behind him.

"Please hurry guys" I smiled weirdly.

"Oh my name is Adam Monroe" one of them said and I realized his accent.

"Shawn Williams is the name" the other laughed.

"Mia....Mia Heather" I smiled softly.


"Welcome to Yōso Academy students!" Hollis smiled clasping his hands together on the auditorium stage.

"Hi!" Ruby smiled waving to him.

"Ruby?!" he trembled staring at her then saw Aoi, Ren, Luno, Lino and me. "This school year is going to be a difficult one" he mumbled over the microphone.

"Hi mom!" Aoi smiled waving to his mom Mrs. Stevenson.

"Hi my little Doragan! Oh, you got friends!" she smiled waving back to him.

Hollis sighed looking at all the students then took out paper then read his long speech that bored us to hell.

"Mr. Lawrence has introduced a new subject to this school called Magical Clothing and Textiles that will help you in battles and Music for relaxing the mind" he said then everyone eyes widen.

"Even another subject is introduced to the school by Mr. Harris called Physics from earth!" Mrs. Stevenson smiled softly.

"Awe!" everyone wined.

"What?!" she said angrily glaring at us.

"Nothing!" everyone trembled.

He told us about the seven elements of all wizards then our instructions of making a team.

"You will be going on quests and no one and I mean no one goes on a Great wizard quest. It's dangerous and could even cause death if you are not experienced. We lost many students because of that and....I don't want that to happen again" he said in a serious tone.

Ren chuckled folding his arms. "That sounds interesting not to avoid" he smiled evilly.

"Ren please don't" I sighed dragging his ear.

Ren raised his hand at Hollis and he was accepted to speak. "Um...Ho...I mean Mr. Yasei, can we banned seafood from the canteens?" he smirked folding his arms.

Everyone went silent and stared at him.

"Re.....Mr. Guinevere we can't do that. If it helps you can try our vegetarian meals" Hollis smiled nervously.

"What about every-"

"Sorry about my brother!" I laughed nervously covering his mouth.

Hollis right eye was twitching and he was glaring at him.

Ren triggered Hollis....

Time skipped.....

Ren and I went around to form a team then Luno, Lino, Adam, Ruby and Aoi waved at us.

"That was easy" he said raising his eyebrows.

"We were destined to be a team from the beginning!" Aoi smiled proudly waving some flag.

"Ruby agrees!" Ruby laughed proudly acting weirdly with him.

Ren blushed extremely staring at Lino and Luno having bored expressions on their faces.

"Sup" they said purring.

"Ruby loves these adorable nekos!" she screamed hugging them.

Lino kissed her hand and Luno held her chin. "We have never seen someone so beautiful before" they smirked looking at her.

"This is heaven" she said then fainted dramatically.

"Let's just get over with a quest" Ren looked really pissed off glaring at them.

Aoi and I looked at a quest on the notice board. We found a nice one about a village in Karibukai crops are mysteriously disappearing.

"Yus! We will do that one" Aoi smiled shaking me.

"Karibukai....." Ren spoke softly.

We looked at him worriedly and Aoi patted his back. "Don't worry. Maybe it's nice in a while to visit the place you came from and you could see-"

"Shut up" Ren said coldly as his hair covered his eyes.

"Sorry man I just...wanted to make you feel better" Aoi smiled nervously.

"We will meet at the school field tomorrow for the quest and that's it. I'm going to my room" Ren said angrily the walked away from us.

I sighed looking at everyone in the team and apologized for how my brother acted.

"I'm use to it actually" Aoi laughed nervously.

"Ruby has realized he has changed" Ruby sighed shaking her head.

"Yeah, he has" I spoke softly looking at Ren walking out of the auditorium.


Yōso Academy 3!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ