Chapter 27 - Darkness and Cold part 1

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Why is it so cold?

Myself and other students of Yōso Academy were shivering not wearing warm clothing due to the unusual weather.

Ruby created a small fire in her hands. Luno and Lino cuddled closer to her and purred, trying to get all the warmth they could get.

"What's with the weather?" Aoi coughed.

The snow looked unusual and people suddenly got sick. There was no sign of Ren. I hugged Rena when I realized she looked very pale and coughing a lot.

"Where is Ren?" she asked weakly.

"I don't know" I sighed.

I ran to his room and found the furniture frozen. A young lady was sleeping on one of the beds and Ren was shivering trying to get warmth. His hair was completely white and his skin was pale.

"Ren!" I exclaimed, looking at him worriedly.

He sneezed then snow fell upon us. "I think I caused the room to be like this" he smiled nervously.

The young woman woke up also shivering. "What the hell happened in here?" she asked angrily.

"Snow, I'm sorry...I don't know what's going on with me and the weather" he said, scratching behind his head.

"Nice name" I smiled at her.

"Shut up" she shuttered.

Ruby entered the room and created a large fire in the palms of her hands. The room became flooded then I opened the door to release the water.

"Cool, your hair looks like Kairi's!" she squealed, hugging him.

He sneezed on her accidentally.

"Ewww!" she became disgusted.

"Sorry" he sniffled.

I felt his forehead which was burning up and the rest of his body. He looked very terrible, wiping his running nose with his sleeve.

"Ren, you're sick" I sighed.

"I know, Captain Obvious" he rolled his eyes.

"And grumpy" Ruby pouted.

"He's always grumpy" I chuckled.

"I'm not!" he said angrily.

Snow red eyes glared at me. She be hiding something from us with her emotionless face.

"I started feeling like this since I carried Snow to my room" he shuttered.

She folded her arms. "Are you blaming me, kid?"


"This is how people get in trouble. Blaming others for your fucking problems" she gritted her teeth.

He became unconscious and fell on top of Ruby.

"Ren!" Ruby and I shook his cold body.

His hands were frozen and tears were on his cheeks. Snow laughed uncontrollably. "Oh, he's too gullible. Seriously helping a Wintere Monsutê. Everyone knows that we can adapt to cold temperatures" she smirked.

Ruby and I froze. "You are a-"

"Shh...we don't want to wake up him" she chuckled.

She tried to come closer to him and I created a wall of vines. "Don't go near him" I said boldly.

She laughed as she disappeared into snowflakes. Ruby created a nice fire for him and I made some tea. He regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

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