Chapter 6 - The School Concert part 2

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"Oh poor baby!"

I felt sorry for Ren looking really sick in bed. He sighed showing me his temperature and Adam seeming to be glaring at him.

"I feel like I'm gonna die" he coughed then sneezed.

"I'll make sure you get better" I smiled softly.

"You....are too kind Mia. No one could ask for a better sister than you" he sounded really stuffy.

I felt like an arrow shot me in the heart when he said sister.

"Ye...yeah" I smiled nervously.

Time skipped....

I went to the nurse office for medicine and saw Hollis telling some men how to fix the concert.

Hollis is going to be heartbroken when he hears Ren can't sing. I thanked the nurse for the medicines she gave me then headed my way back to Ren's room. On way way there, I heard a pig making in Aoi's room then immediately opened his door.

"Hey.....Mia" Aoi smiled nervously looking at me.

I glared at him holding the pig we found from the quest and realized he dressed her in many dressed and costumes.

" know you are still stealing" I sighed.

"I asked mom then she said I could keep her!" he pouted.

"Did you tell her where did you get her?" I asked folding my arms.

I bit his lower lip and looked at her. "But.....I don't want to lose her. She's my Peanut Butter and Jelly" he sighed hugging her tightly.

"Fine. But if the farmer finds you then you have to give her to him or her" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Yes! Thank you Mia" he giggled hugging me.

I laughed finding Ruby under his blankets trying to hide from me. She pouted folding her arms and Aoi smiled tickling her.

It makes me really happy they are still friends from their birth. They have the same birthdays and really cute when they still have their childish ways.

"Aoi stop" she giggled while he continued tickling her.

"Guys I'm going to take care of Aoi" I chuckled shaking my head.

"He won't be singing for the concert?! I really like his's sounds like the ocean in a way" his eyes widen looking at the medicines.

"Ruby remembers Ren doesn't like singing because it reminds him of his mom" she sighed.

I waved goodbye to them then skipped my way to Ren's room again then dropped the bag of medicines when I saw him playing video games with Adam.

"No...." I spoke softly staring at him.

"Mia...I can explain!" he ran to me and grabbed my wrist.

"You lied and Hollis is out there trying to help unfortunate students that were badly injured!" I screamed angrily.

"I don't want to sing because-"

"It reminds you of your mom huh?! Don't you think me taking care of you reminds me of my mom!" I cried clenching my fist. "I don't know who am I or what am I because of my naturally colourful hair but at least I know what Hollis is trying to do is help people! Four...years ago a student by the name of Mariana Gordon died because no one could really support his concert" I cried harder grabbing his collar.

"I can't do it!"

I slapped him across his face then tears ran down his cheeks. "Please..... Hollis is waiting on YOU" I said then ran out of the room.

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