Chapter 14 - Luther's Anger

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I woke up in the morning feeling someone cuddling me. I giggled closing me eyes smelling his or her hair that smelt like Ren's.

"Mia?" I heard Rena's voice then opened my eyes.

"Rena, why are you here?!" I became frightened staring at her in his pyjamas.

"Ren was showing me porn and hentai anime so I came here" she puffed up her cheeks in anger.

" are building your own personality so that means you wouldn't really like the same things as him" I sighed patting her head.

"So I'm not like him anymore?" she smiled softly.

"Nah" I chuckled.

She celebrated doing some weird dance and giggled hugging me tightly. My roommates woke up and glared at us.

"You keep being weird objects in here" Cindy said, rolling her eyes.

"You just keep getting weirder and pathetic each day" Bianca sighed.

Rena looked at them angrily then punched them in their faces. "Don't say that to Mia!" she screamed angrily and looked red as a tomato.

"What the fuck?!" they yelled.

I grabbed her and exited the room. I sighed looking at her swearing and kicking a trash can.

"I'm going to fucking kill them" she said with an emotionless face.

"Rena, now Ren's side is reacting. Just calm down and take a deep breath" I smiled nervously when she glared at me.

"Geez....why won't you stand up to them?" she sighed shaking her head.

"Because....I'm know as a 'goody too shoes' so I am afraid of getting in trouble" I spoke softly.

"But you almost beat the crap out of me when I was evil" she smirked.

I looked at the sun rising and my pajamas. "We are going to be late for your first day of school" I chuckled looking at her wining.


I sat beside Rena both in our uniforms at Hollis's office. He smiled softly looking at her looking at things she had never seen before.

"Ms. Dorufin, it's nice to see you not....doing bad deeds anymore" he said, shaking her hand.

She ignored him and stared at his cat ears moving rapidly. "I want those" she giggled, poking his nose then it twitched.

"Please...stop that. I'm a 45 year old man" he sighed, while his ears drooped.

"You are 45 years old?! You look very young and adorable" she said, shaking him dramatically.

"I get that a lot" he smirked, trying to look cool but accidentally broke a trophy.

He trembled looking at it then we waved goodbye to him, grabbed a school schedule for her and left him alone with his problem.


Rain glared at some boys in the class having weird faces looking at Rena introducing herself.

"I-I'm Rena Dorufin, Water wizard" she said, looking like she wanted to cry so badly.

She ran to a seat beside Ren and I without Rain's permission. She held our hands while I could she her trembling as our schoolmates except our team looked at her angrily.

I forgot that Hollis announced when she was evil that we should be careful and she did very bad things. So basically she won't be forgiven that easily.

"How is she allowed in the class? She could kill us" one whispered, glaring at her.

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. "I can't have friends like you Ren. I don't deserve to live, I'm made from you which can be life threatening to you" she spoke softly, wiping her tears.

He chuckled shaking his head and stretch out his hands to her. "Co'mere" he said in a soft voice then hugged her.

"Awe!" I smiled, looking at her crying harder in his arms.

"Come on call me big brother" he said with a perverted look on his face.

"Of course" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

She giggled poking his nose then the school alarm rang. Rain told everyone to stay quite and go under our tables. We did as she told and she got ready for anything that was going to come out of the door. We noticed that she was shorter and trembling.

"Shit, someone turned Mrs. Ste-"

Luno quickly covered Adam's mouth and the door swung open.

"Where's Rena?!" Luther entered the room looking very pissed off. "You took her away and brainwashed her!" he aimed his hands at Ren.

Rain casted a spell but it only caused a tiny spark from her hands. "Huh-"

She screamed looking at her tiny soft hands and her clothes on the ground exposing her. Luckily she looked like a 3 year old wasn't that bad but she started crying stamping her foot.

He grabbed her and glared at us. "Rena come back to me and she won't get hurt" he said, actually having tears in his eyes.

Everyone except Rena tired to attack him but his sister placed a magic limiter spell on our magic. Rena pushed him away from Rain and grabbed her into her own arms.

"Luther....please, I don't want to be evil anymore" she said in a shaky tone.

He stood on his feet again and more tears ran down his cheeks. "I can't lose you, I love you Rena" he said, walking closer to her.

"No, you don't!" she screamed, controlling water towards him but she started to became weak again for not having some of Ren's blood. "Ren.....told me that you just want me to become evil again for Master's orders" she said, slowly walking away from him and holding Rain tightly.

"There is no help for you. All the teachers, principal and students are pathetic now. If you agree no one will-"

Adam and Ruby punched him through many walls. Aoi cracked his knuckles and looked at him angrily. "You made my mother cry and you thought we only depend on our magic. We also can fight physically dumbass" he said with an emotionless expression on his face.

"It's Rena's choice if she wants to be evil or not. You can't force her to be evil and we can't force her to be good, she's not anyone's slave anymore. She's Rena Dorufin, a girl who just wants to see how it means to live on her own choices" I smiled softly, looking at her staring at us.

She smiled as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. "I guess I just need real friends than surrounding myself with fake ones," she laughed, wiping her tears. She materialized a sword made from ice and looked at Luther and Lucy. "I thought you two were my friends but I was mistaken. Turn back normal everyone normal or I'll fight you with the others" she said angrily, casting a magic shield around her so they wouldn't try anything.

"Very well" Luther sighed, glaring at her.

His sister and himself disappeared and everyone got back their magic back to how they were. Aoi smiled nervously covering Rain with a curtain from exposing her as an adult and led her out of the classroom.

"I'm going to kill that boy!" she screamed angrily.

"Mom,'s okay" he laughed nervously, comforting her.

Adam, Shawn and Ren were sobbing and covered in despair. "We couldn't see her!" they wined.

"Perverts!" Rena screamed, closing her eyes tightly and was slapping them but it felt like soft clouds against their chests.

"She's so cute" they giggled while their noses bled.

"Stop thinking perverted things about me! Big brother stop!" she wined, hugging Ren.

"This is going to be a long day" I chuckled, shaking my head.

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