Chapter 43 - Just Another Quest part 1

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"I'm looking good!" I smiled proudly, showing off my muscles to Elisa.

"I'm a good teacher" she smirked.

I nodded. "Yeah"

She sighed, placing her feet in the pool. She looked at me seriously like I have never seen before.


She folded her arms. "You know," she said. "it's not that easy to fight in battle along with the Great wizards" that made my heart race.

I put on a smile. "Psssh....I can handle it"

"Really," she said with emotionless eyes. "Nadia almost died when Hana was 3 years old. An enemy poisoned her. Luckily, Hollis took the poison out of her body with his element but...she was in bad condition that she had to stay in the hospital for weeks"

She showed me her burnt marks on her chest area. "We all make enemies on our way to save worlds. It's not easy. Many Great wizards I know, died. You know Dillon, Nadia's brother didn't" she clenched her fists.

"Yeah, I remember the day of his funeral. I was 7 years old" I said, closing my eyes.

She looked at the clear blue sky and stretched out her arms. "I'm tired" she groaned.

I laughed. "Me too"



Another quest with my new team. We traveled over night on a Doragan to a hotel in the city calling for help.

There are reports of people acting like zombies. We came to see this problem.

I got a room with Nadir since they thought I could control him as a kid. That was pretty mean to me, especially Nadir.

I sat on our hotel room bed and he curled up into a ball in the sofa, watching a movie.

"Nadir, your dad said that you should sleep at 8pm" I sighed, showing him the clock showing 10pm.

He frowned. "I'm a Great wizard now. I don't need bedtimes"

"You are still a growing little boy" I chuckled, patting his head. "I'm going to bed too" I said then he immediately went to the bed.

He's afraid of sleeping alone...

I crawled into the bed, beside him. He giggled snuggling with the blanket. "Mimi, I can't wait to kick some ass" he smirked.

"Me too" I laughed.

He hugged me and purred. "You are really nice," he said then paused. "best friend" he smiled softly.

I slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. I hugged him back then later fell asleep.


We woke up in the morning thanks to Nadir being a morning person like his mom. Sometimes I wished he was not a morning person like his dad.

We changed and went on to our quest. I asked witnesses about the 'zombie invasion' but they were horrified and scared.

"My son. He didn't come back" an old lady named Margret sighed.

We found her at her restaurant near the hotel. She looked really sad and depressed. The whole restaurant looked....sad.

"What did he do or say before he left?" I asked.


She took up a wooden spoon then stirred her soup that smelt horrible. "He's a big boy but irresponsible" she paused. "He went to buy some cocaine. I waited for him to come back home but... it has been a week"

I felt really sorry for her, especially she's such a good mother to him and he went down the wrong path.

She gave me and Nadir a bowl of her soup. I smiled nervously, trying to nicely reject it.

"I see you don't want any. I understand" she laughed silently.

I saw a man at one of the tables, acting weirdly while he drank the soup. "Thanks...for the information" I said slowly, glaring at Margret. I grabbed Nadir's small hands and stormed out of the restaurant.

"What's wrong?" he blinked.

"Something is fishy" I declared.

He followed me to our teammates. Asami and Adam were at the City Square, putting all the information together.

The citizens smiled waving to us every time they passed us. They seemed trained.

"How is your stay?" a lady chirped.

"Fine...thank you" Adam said boldly.

She bowed then left. He folded his arms then bridged his nose with his two fingers. "They have been asking that too many times"

"They give me the chills!" Asami trembled.

"I like them," Nadir smiled softly then laughed at our shocked reactions. "I'm kidding"

Adam typed all the information into his computer like someone going crazy. "Glasses" he said then Asami gave him a pair of glasses I never knew he had.

He took a deep breath when another woman came to us. She smiled softly, looking at us. "How is your-"

"We fucking love it!" Asami snapped.

The women paused for a moment then said, "That's the spirit"

She bowed then left.

"What the..." Adam's right eye twitched.

We focused back on our work then realized something. Nadir isn't here.

"Nadir!" I screamed.

I heard him fighting from someone and crying. We ran after him then a net with magical vines went over us. It had a scent that made us sleepy.

"Master will love our new food" some men laughed.


"Human meat is the best"

I froze.

I looked at Asami and Adam already passed out. I tried to fight out of the net but the scent got me. I closed my eyes.


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