Chapter 7 - Mia's Home part 1

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I glared at a girl sitting beside Mia in the cafeteria then I sat in front of them.

"Clarice Williams" she smiled giving me her hand.

"Ren Guinevere. You seem to be a new friend of my sister" I smirked folding my arms.

"Ye...yeah I'm a friend!" she laughed and trembled eating her food messily.

"Haha! Ren you are so funny!" Mia laughed acting weirdly.

"Okay.....something is up and I want to know" I said raising my eyebrow.

They sighed looking at me chuckling at them. "We will show you but come with us" she sighed glaring at me.

Time skipped....

We went to Mia's room and looked around if anyone else was around. Mia looked at a magical gem on my desk then at me.

"Ren....your sister isn't human" Clarice sighed folding her arms.

"Well it's kinda obvious with her colourful hair" I smiled nervously.

"Ren...I'm a Furai, a Furai Princess" Mia smiled weirdly.

I laughed rolling on the floor. "You guys are killing me! Mia...a princess?! She's just a normal girl and my sister" I giggled wiping my tears from my laughter.

She took a deep breath in and out then took up the magical gem. A pair of wings appeared behind her then I started freaking out looking at them.

"She's beautiful huh?" Clarice smiled softly.

"That's not the point! Why are those....wings on the back?!"

Mia smiled holding my hands with her eyes sparkling. "I know who I am now Ren! I....can see my real parents and how many siblings I have?" she smiled nervously looking at Clarice.

"Twenty, Twenty siblings. Twelve boys and eight girls.

"See Ren!" Mia looked too excited hugging me tightly.

"You can't go. You have your family already with Kairi, our dads and me even ME" I pouted glaring at her.

"I'll just be visiting there and come back to Yōso Academy. Pfft.....I'm not going to stay long" she smiled proudly laughing richly.

"I don't believe that"

"Come on Ren!" she wined acting like a spoilt child.

"I'll come with you. I will even pack your stuff.... Māmedias don't need to bathe for 3 months and I smell awesome" I smirked leaning against her lamp accidentally then fell.

Clarice looked at me closely and rubbed her chin. "A Māmedia huh...." she looked at me weirdly.

"Yeah. The one with a fish tail and can breathe under water like.....the earth fairy tales about Mermaids" I smiled sheepishly.

"Cool! You are a male one. How do you creatures reproduce?" she asked tilting her head at one side.

"Well...I'm not sure myself. I'm adopted like her so I haven't seen that among my kind. My parents died when I was 3 years old due to water pollution"

"Oh....I'm sorry" she spoke softly looking at me worriedly.

"Sheesh....I'm a man, I can handle pain....and suffering" I smiled nervously.

"Oh really now" Mia glared at me.

"Yep....." I laughed chewing on some fish food I found on her shelf.

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