Chapter Five: The Hexing

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As the three Welsh witches and wizard walked through the door of the Great Hall the bell rang signalling that it was now time for breakfast. The two Hufflepuff's parted ways with the young Slytherin witch as she went towards her table. Ophelia watched the two Hufflepuff's as they laughed at something Rune said. It made Ophelia smile.

Soon enough, the rest of the school came pouring in and food soon appeared on the table. Nicole and Elowen walked in together and waved at Ophelia before sitting down, shortly followed by Lyra and Avalon.

Morgandy walked in with Abner Forrester and Twyla. She watched as Twyla waved at her older sister and soon looked at Morgandy and Abner who both smiled at her, she waved at them both as they sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

As more and more students came into the hall she watched carefully looking out for a few other people. While she was waiting she poured herself a bowl of cereal. Starr then proceeded to walk in with fellow Hufflepuff, Daxten Worthington, a seventh year who plays for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and also team-captain. Starr and Morgandy locked eye contact with each other and smiled, only the small group of friends knew of Starr and Morgandy's relationship, as quite frankly it was nobody's business.

Whilst she was admiring Starr and Morgandy's little moment she hadn't realised the two bodies place themselves next to her. They belonged to Orion Black and Harlen Avery, two of Tom's followers and the only two she got on with. Ophelia got on with Harlen very well as they've shared all their lessons together since first year. Whereas Orion and Ophelia are friends because she always defends him when Tom and the others have outbursts.

"What is your timetable for this year then, Lockwood?" Asked Harlen Avery, his blue eyes lighting up when he looked at her.

"Well, Avery. Here is my timetable, I wonder if we'll have the same lessons." Ophelia laughed handing over her timetable to the wizard sitting opposite her.

As Avery compared their timetables, Ophelia turned to Orion realising he was extremely quiet and playing with his food.

He was resting his chin on the palm of his hand, looking down at his food, completely unfazed by the conversation.

"Orion, whatever is wrong?" Ophelia asked reaching out for his arm.

Orion Black just shook his head and kept it down, as if he dared make eye contact with her. Avery sighed gaining Ophelia's attention.

"Well, Lockwood, we have the same lessons, what a surprise," Avery paused, "he's quiet because of Malfoy."

"What did Malfoy do?" Ophelia asked worry clear in her voice.

Avery hesitated and looked away when he handed back Ophelia's timetable.

"Harlen, what happened?" Ophelia asked her voice stern and fierce.

"Malfoy was talking shit about you and your brother, he kept calling you dirty pure-bloods, I missed the first part but Thorfinn rushed up and called me down to stop all the commotion, because obviously Tom and the others weren't going to do anything, as I came down I saw Orion fly back and Malfoy and the others laughing their heads off," Avery responded looking at Orion apologetically.

"Oh, Orion. You've always been a good friend defending my family name. But if anyone ever hexes you for defending me just tell me." Ophelia smiled hugging the shy boy.

Orion hugged back and nodded his head.

"Are they still in the common room?" Ophelia asked.

The boys nodded their heads. That was all Ophelia had to see. She rose from her seat and began to walk out the door. The two boys quickly rose from their seat too, following and calling her. Ophelia ignored them and continued out the door.

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