Chapter Thirty-nine: The Legendary Wizard

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The back garden of the Lufkin residence was quiet as Dove and Rune cuddled up on the outside furniture whilst they waited for the clock to strike one. It had been a week since they last saw their friend and her boyfriend, but after a week Ophelia, with the help of her father, finally found the wizarding families Dove was related to.

When Dove received Ophelia's letter she jumped with joy around Rune's bedroom and since then she's been anxiously waiting for the time she would go to Swansea and learn about her wizarding heritage.

Edvard walked out the back door and hovered over the young couple, blocking the sunlight from hitting their faces.

"It's time," He smiled down at the two teenagers, "good luck, my dear."

"Thank you, Edvard," Dove let out a nervous voice as she gave Edvard a tight hugged and turned back to Rune.

"We'll see you soon, dad," Rune nodded his head as he held onto Dove's shaking hand.

Edvard waved goodbye and the two apparated into thin air, leaving Edvard on his own.

Ophelia heard the sound of someone apparating in her back garden, she looked around the room from Tom, to her dad, to her mum, she stood up and walked towards to kitchen.

In the silent living room, the three listened closely as Ophelia welcomed Rune and Dove offering them a fresh beverage to keep them cool in the warm summer sun.

They listened as Dove could so easily tell something was wrong, and with that Ophelia walked back into the living room followed by Rune and Dove.

"Hello hun," Lillian smiled as she hugged Dove, "I can already tell you're nervous, so Lia get into it!"

Ophelia nodded her head and walked to the dining room grabbing what looked like an old dusty scroll, Rune hugged Lillian and shook George's hand, sitting down next to Tom as he watched Dove who was watching Ophelia.

"What's wrong?" Rune whispered to Tom.

Tom turned his head and looked Rune in the eye, "nothing, however, you'll see why everyone is quiet."

Ophelia placed the scroll on the small coffee table kneeled on the floor, Dove and George followed as Ophelia began to open it.

"Dove, as you know I offered to find your family tree and I have, however, what we found was much more than we expected, after all, you're a muggleborn, so we didn't expect this," Ophelia anxiously began her tiny speech, "there's two families from school that you're distantly related to."

Ophelia rolled open the scroll to where two familiar surnames appeared on the old parchment.

The surnames that were just revealed began to move, gold lines appearing as if the surnames were the title of a spider diagram. Names of those family members, along with their birthdays and death days also appeared in the golden writing.

"Dorothy and William McKinnon? They're in my house, I got to the library with Dorothy all the time," Dove let out a disbelief gasp as she looked to Rune.

Rune looked just as confused as Dove, "well, at least you two get on," Rune let out a small laugh.

"And Charles and John Oddpick?" Dove gasped, "they're entire family have been Slytherins though, I don't understand."

"You see Dove, there are four possibilities when it comes to the Sorting hat choosing your family, with me, I had two all four possibilities as all members of my family have been in one of the four houses," Ophelia smiled, "but if we're talking about being destined to be in any one of the houses, you Dove, you should be a Slytherin."

Dove was confused, her eyebrows were furrowed together, and a small pout had formed at her lips, "I don't understand."

"Dove dear, the McKinnon family are notably seen in the Gryffindor house, however, William McKinnon senior, married a Hufflepuff, but their children could have been a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw," George smiled as he held onto Dove's hand, "the Oddpick family are famous for being in Slytherin, even though their blood purity was out dated a long time ago."

"Not only that, you're only distantly related to these families, and when we retrieved this scroll, we un-scrolled it all the way to the end," Lillian chipped in, "you're related to numerous amounts of families who have been in all four houses, some families you're related to don't even exist anymore, but the most common house that had appeared was in fact Slytherin."

"However, just because they've been Slytherins doesn't mean that they're going to fulfil Slytherin stereotypes," Rune joined in to comfort his girlfriend, "I mean look at Ophelia and George, they're both Slytherins and they're one of the kindest people we know, as well as Huw and Iolo, they're mischievous but they're amazing kids, and, and, Tom! Tom is a great, talented wizard with a whole lot of potential!"

"You should just tell her! Rune really isn't helping here," Tom leaned forward and rested his head on his hand.

Ophelia looked between her parents and they both nodded in agreement.

"Lia?" Dove looked at Ophelia, an anxious look on her face as she waited for Ophelia to answer.

Ophelia sighed and began to un-scroll the scroll further.

Dove watched in anticipation as Ophelia scrolled all the way to the end, revealing a name that one could dream about being related to.

"What we're trying to say Dove, you're destined to be a Slytherin because you're related to one of the greatest Slytherin's ever to live!"

Dove looked at the name that began to reveal itself, there in gold writing was the name 'Myrddin'.

Dove looked up to Rune who had his mouth agape and looked at the name with wide eyes.

"Rune, what is it?" Dove asked, her voice broke as she was now filled with fear, all because she never learned how to speak her national language of Welsh.

"Dove, that's arguably one of the greatest wizards ever to live, that's his Welsh name!" Rune pointed out the obvious and Tom began to laugh.

"Yeah, still don't know," Dove shrugged.

"Dove answer this, when I swear, bearing in mind that I swear in wizarding language, what is the most common swear word I say?" Ophelia smacked her head into her hand.

"Merlin's—" Dove stopped as soon as she said the first part, "I'm related to Merlin?"

The group clapped as Dove soon realised who she was related to and Dove was now the one with her mouth agape.

"Yes, you are, and that explains why you're such a brilliant witch," Ophelia smiled at her friend as she continued to leave her mouth open in shock.

Dove smiled back and looked to Rune, "I'm related to Merlin!"

Dove jumped up and down the room with Rune who jumped with her.

Tom and Ophelia looked over to one anothercatching each other's eyes, the two smiled as they turned back to the happygirl who finally learned of her heritage.    

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