Chapter Forty-nine: The Beginning

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Since the announcement of the plan, the group decided to keep their distance as a whole to not raise any suspicion.

Morgandy, Elowen and Twyla had all joined Dove, Nicole, Starr, Raine and Iakona. The group of girls were waiting on Ophelia who said she'd meet them in the great hall over half an hour ago.

They were worried that she and Avery had got caught out by Tom and he was now interrogating her or worse, torturing her.

When they saw Ophelia walk through the main hall with a bright, bubbly smile on her face they finally took in a deep breath to regulate their breathing again.

Ophelia sat down next to Morgandy and smiled up at the group.

"What's wrong? What's Tom done?" Nicole held onto Ophelia hand.

"Agreed to come tomorrow," Ophelia smiled.

"So, why are you happy?" Iakona asked.

"No reason," Ophelia shrugged as she continued to smile.

The girls were suspicious but shrugged it off.

"You sure you're not under the imperius curse? Because we've been through that before!" Dove raised her eyebrow towards Ophelia.

"No girls, I'm fine, if you must know, Avery said something to Malfoy, that's all," Ophelia laughed.

"Okay, are you sure though?" Raine asked.

"Yes girls! I promise you!" Ophelia laughed.

"Okay so what's the plan for today?" Starr asked.

Ophelia stood up and grabbed Morgandy's hand and pulled her out of her seat.

The girls all looked at each other, and when they turned back to Ophelia and Morgandy they weren't there.

Ophelia and Morgandy were now running hand-in-hand out of the great hall and turning left towards the courtyard.

The girls ran after them following the sound of Morgandy's and Ophelia's laughs.

The pair ran through the courtyard, over the covered bridge towards the forbidden forest.

To save their selves from falling down the stone steps to the forest they ran down the bank, Morgandy almost losing her balance, but thankfully Ophelia gripped her hand tighter so she wouldn't fall.

Emory ran out to the courtyard to see what all the commotion was about, closely followed by Rune, Abner, Edison, Vincent, Theodore, Archer and Daxten. Caspian and Sullivan came running after them asking what was wrong.

Emory began to laugh as he saw the girls running to the forest.

"Fancy a trip to the forest?" Emory asked the boys.

They all nodded and they too began to run after the girls.

The large group of girls finally caught up to the now-panting Ophelia and Morgandy as they tried to catch their breath all whilst laughing.

Nicole was the first to complain about having a stich as she sat down on a log, holding the bottom right side of her ribs, moaning and making funny faces.

The girls heard the foot steps behind them and soon the boys appeared from behind the trees.

"What's going on here then?" Abner asked as rushed to Nicole who was still complaining about her stitch.

"Rune, sort her out please? You know what she's like when she complains!" Starr pointed to Nicole, which caused the group to laugh as they looked at Nicole making yet another weird-funny face.

"Oh listen here, Starr, once this stitch is gone I'll hex you," Nicole winced and panted as she looked at Starr through one eye.

"It's all those chicken nuggets," Elowen laughed, "finally came back to bite you on the ass."

"Oi, when you going back to your book then?" Nicole nodded towards Elowen.

The girls laughed as Nicole tried her best to fight back.

Rune swished his wand and soon Nicole stopped making funny faces and stopped gripping at her side.

"Thanks Rune, my only real friend here," Nicole poked her tongue towards the girls as she hugged the girls.

"I'm sorry, but I'm right here," Abner stood up and started to protest Nicole's statement.

"You're my only real boyfriend, and I love you, but Rune's my friend and made me feel better," Nicole defended herself as she pecked her boyfriend on the cheek.

"Yeah, okay," Abner smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Gross," Ophelia and Iakona said at the same time causing them to high five each other.

"Shut your damn mouth, Lockwood, you were like this with professor Oliphant over there once upon a time!" Twyla pointed between Abner and Nicole and then between Ophelia and Emory.

"And you were like this with Tom over a year ago," Starr shrugged.

"Wow, okay, didn't realise it was 'remind Ophelia of her failed relationships day'," Ophelia crossed her arms as she put on a fake pout.

"How exactly is your relationship with Tom, 'failed'?" Abner asked.

"My boyfriend is a sociopathic serial killer running an organisation that wants blood purity in the wizarding world, how can it not be deemed as failed?" Ophelia looked at Abner as she pointed out the obvious.

"Ah right, point taken," Abner shrugged.

"I can't, I actually can't with this boy!" Caspian laughed as he wiped a tear away from his eye.

"Oh, how I've missed you, Abner!" Daxten shook his head as he smiled at Abner.

Daxten and Abner hugged as they both talked about the latest win for the Holyhead Harpies.

That soon sparked a conversation among the Quidditch players, and the girls who didn't play, plus Sullivan, went back to talking about Tom.

"Serial killer is the right term to use, right?" Ophelia pondered.

"Oh yeah, total serial killer!" Iakona nodded her head.

"Monstrous serial killer, maybe?" Raine added an input.

"How about the 'muggleborn murderer'?" Twyla placed her hands in the air as if she was presenting the title in the air.

"Okay, that's enough about my sociopathic,murderous boyfriend!" Ophelia stood up and laughed    

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