A Little Fun

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A few more weeks passed and our friendship was definitely blossoming like I hoped it would. Seth and I would talk and joke all the time. If I had a bad day at work, he knew how to make me laugh so it wasn't so bad. We even hung out a few times. Nothing big, just coffee now and then as it was our little joke of how I spilled it on him, maybe even a little lunch. It was nice. I would even text him when my boss was being overbearing at work. He would always crack a joke to make me feel better. One afternoon I was at work when Seth texted me. He asked, 'When do you have lunch?'

'In about an hour.' I wrote him back.

'Good, I'll see you then.' He just texted back.

I smiled at this. I wasn't going to argue with him. Then I heard someone yell my name. "Mary!"

It was my boss. I walked to his office and said as I walked in. "Yes, Mr. Henderson."

"I need you to go on your lunch and get my dry cleaning." He almost demanded.

"Sir, I am having lunch with a friend." I told him.

"Well, cancel it. I have to have it for court this afternoon." He said, sternly.

I sighed and said, "Yes, sir."

I walked back to my desk, pissed. I hated that I couldn't have a solid lunch without him ordering me around to do something. I was about to text Seth, when a call came in. I quickly answered it. "Henderson Law Office. How can I help you?"

Yeah, it was going to be a hell of a day.

I was at my desk, getting stuff together to run the errand Mr. Henderson was sending me on. I was so annoyed. As I stood up, Seth walked in. I completely forgot to text him to cancel lunch. He walked over to me, smiling. "Ready?"

"Shit, I forgot to text you. My boss is making me run errands during his lunch. I'm so sorry." I told him as I frowned.

His face fell. "No, I understand."

"Can I make it up to you?" I asked.

"Dinner tonight?" His face lit up.

"Deal." I told him.

Just then, Mr. Henderson walked out of his office. He saw me and almost yelled, "Mary, what are you still doing here? I told you I needed my dry cleaning!"

"Yes, sir. I was just about to leave." I told him.

He noticed Seth and I could tell he knew who he was. His face lit up. "Hello, Mr. MacFarlane. What can I do for you?"

I saw the gears in Seth's head move as he got an idea. He smiled and said, "I ran into this little lady a few days ago and she was telling me about your firm. I was going to have lunch with her so she could tell me more about what this firm could do for me."

"Well, if you would like, Mr. MacFarlane, we could step into my office." He told Seth.

Seth quickly said, "Well, I was hoping to have lunch with this little lady. She seems she knows what she is talking about. I really wanted to pick her brain, if you know what I mean." He winked at my boss.

I smiled. I knew what he was doing. "Oh, of course." Mr. Henderson smiled back at Seth. "Well, by all means, steal her away for the afternoon."

"Are you sure?" I quickly asked him.

"Yes, now go." He said to me.

I nodded and Seth and I walked away. As we walked to the elevator, I could feel my boss watching us. Seth leaned over and said with a smirk, "You're welcome."

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