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The next day, we drove to my parents' house. We pulled up and we got out. We got the boys out as well and walked up the porch steps. Just then, my mother walked out. She hugged us and saw the twins and right away gushed over them. "Oh, Mary. They are beautiful. Just perfect."

I smiled at her. "Thanks, mom."

She quickly ushered us inside. Seth and I walked in with the boys. My dad walked up to us and smiled. "There is my girl."

"Hey, daddy." I smiled.

He looked at the boys. Christian was wide awake in my arms, Damien was asleep in Seth's. My dad said, "They are some mighty handsome boys you two have there."

"They take after Seth after all. At least in the looks department." I said to him.

Seth joked, "Poor guys."

My dad chuckled at this. He then took Christian into his arms and said, "Come to grandpa."

Christian smiled at him as he looked up at him. My dad smiled at him. Then he asked, "How long has Damien been out?"

"He has been sleeping a lot since we landed. I thought it was cause he screamed the whole plane ride here that he slept so well through the night but he has been sleeping most of the morning too. I am beginning to worry that he might be getting sick." I said, concerned.

My mother walked over to him and touched his forehead. "He is a little warm, honey." She removed her hand and gave me a reassuring smile, "We'll keep an eye on him. If he gets worse, we will get Doctor Williams to see him."

I nodded as I smiled, feeling a little better. "Okay."

Then my dad said, "Come sit down. I am sure you two want to rest."

We all moved to the living room and all sat down. My mom then asked, "So how has it been, now that your lives have changed so much in the last six months. First getting married, then thrown into parenthood."

"Really different. But we are adjusting." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, adjusting well to the sleepless nights." Seth cracked.

I looked at him and playful slapped his shoulder. Then my mom said with a smile, "The twins won't always do this and you will actually miss those nights cause they won't be so little anymore."

Just then Damien started to stir. Seth quickly said to me, "Babe, you might want to get him."

Then my father asked, "Why does she need to get him?"

"Since he hasn't been feeling well, he has only wants his mother. If I hold him, he screams. He is at least calm with her." Seth informed him.

I took Damien from him and he instantly cried. I quickly went to sooth him and he calmed. My mom walked over and held out her arms. "Let me have my grandson."

I was unsure as he didn't feel well. "I don't know, mom. He really is cranky."

She smiled. "It's okay, honey. I can handle him."

She took him out of my arms and instantly he screamed. I hated to hear my baby cry. My mom slightly bounced him and soothed him. He slowly calmed. He finally stopped crying. Seth said, "Okay, what is it about you woman that gets babies to calm so easily?"

My mom smiled. "It's second nature to us."

A few hours went by, Damien got worse. I grew concerned. I walked in the kitchen as Damien was screaming. He had been for a half an hour. "Mom, he is getting worse. He won't stop crying. I don't know what to do."

Different WorldsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin