The Day Everything Changes

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*Seth's POV*

I fell asleep on the couch as I wanted to give Mary room to calm down. I woke up and it was the middle of the night. I doubted Mary would be up but I had to see if I could get close. I walked upstairs towards the room when I noticed the baby's room door open. I looked in to see Mary looking at the room. I slowly walked in and said, "Mary."

She didn't move or react to me. It scared me a bit. She finally said, as I could hear her voice break, "I had a beautiful room set up for Max. It was blue with a zoo theme set up. But I never got to bring him home to it."

"I'm sorry, Mary." I said, softly.

She turned to me and her eyes were puffy from crying. She looked at me and said, in tears, "I didn't mean it, Seth. I don't hate you. Just when I saw this room, all I thought about was how I never got to bring my baby boy home to his room. How it hurt to even go into it. Then I think about what if I never get to bring our baby home to their room."

I quickly moved to her and held her. "I'm sorry, Mary. I didn't think."

"No, I'm sorry, Seth. I shouldn't have said what I have said. Just seeing this room, it just made me realized what if we never get to bring our baby home." She cried against me.

"Don't think that." I breathed. I couldn't bare when she talked like that.

"I can't help it." She cried.

I said, "Come on."

I guided her out of the room and walked us down to our room. I got her into bed and I laid down next to her. I held her close. I then said, softly, "It'll be okay, baby. I promise."

"You can't promise something like that." She said.


It's been a few days and this particular day, things felt off with me. I couldn't explain it. I told Seth I wasn't feeling well and just stayed in bed. It wasn't a lie. I didn't feel a hundred percent. I slept off and on but half way through the day, I realized something, I didn't feel the baby move. I had moments like this, where I didn't feel the baby move and would freak. Had a couple times where I had Seth rush me to the hospital for it to be a false alarm. I was hoping this was another. I was more mindful for looking out for movements. After a few more hours, I didn't feel the baby move still. I began to get scared. I got out of bed and looked for Seth. I found him in his office, working. At this point, I was in tears. Seth looked up at his laptop and noticed me. He instantly noticed my tears. "What's wrong?"

"Something doesn't feel right, Seth. I haven't felt the baby move all day." I told him.

"Mary, we have gone through this before." He tried to calm my fears.

"No, this feels different. Please. We need to go to the hospital. Something is wrong, I know it." I begged.

Seth stood up. "Okay."

We walked out and got into Seth's car. We didn't speak the whole way. But Seth did take my hand halfway through the ride, to let me know he was there. I held onto his hand tightly. We got to the hospital and went to labor and delivery. We were quickly put into triage. After sometime, the doctor came in and said, "So, you are here cause you don't feel the baby move."

"Yes." I quickly told him. "I have a history of miscarriages and even have had a stillborn."

"Okay, well, let's see what is going on. More then likely the baby is just preparing, you know the calm before the storm." He tried to ease my worries.

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