Just Different People

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*Seth's POV*

I really didn't expect my sister here. I felt bad cause I knew how Mary wasn't ready to meet my family. I kept apologizing before we got back to my sister and she kept insisting that it was fine. But I couldn't help it. I didn't want to make her feel like things were being pushed. After she was dressed and I changed as well, we went downstairs were my sister waited. She smiled at us. We walked in and I asked, "Anybody want anything to drink?"

Mary shook her head and Rachael asked, "A water."

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge door. I hear Rachael talking to Mary. I was nervous. I got two bottle of waters and closed the door. I walked back into the living room and I saw Mary smiling. She seemed a little more comfortable. The women were sitting on the couch now, so I joined them next to Mary as I handed Rachael a bottle of water. She quickly said as she took it, "Thanks."

Then Rachael looked at Mary. "So, what do you do?"

"I, um, am a secretary for a high profile lawyer." Mary told her.

"Oh, sounds like a good job." Rachael said, sweetly.

"Yeah, right." Mary exhaled. "I am basically his errand girl."

"And such a good little errand girl." I cracked.

She rolled her eyes as she smiled. "Watch yourself, Seth."

I chuckled as I saw Rachael smile. I looked at her and she gave me almost a smile in approval. "So, I heard you got Seth to go to church." Rachael said.

She laughed. "He had no choose. He accepted an invite to dinner with my parents not knowing what he was getting into and not consulting with me first. They are catholic and holy hell was it one funny dinner."

Rachael smile got bigger as she wanted to hear more. "Oh my god. What happened?"

"Well, first they made him say grace." Mary was laughing.

Rachael chuckled. "NO! What happened then?"

"Seth tried but failed miserable. Then my parents didn't know his show was Family Guy and my mom said to him that the guy who makes Family Guy should burn in hell. Seth choked on his water as I was rolling. It was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen." Mary was laughing harder.

Rachael was laughing now. "Oh, I wish I could have seen that."

"It was awesome. He about shit bricks. Then they invited us to church. The look on his face said it all, so I decided payback was a bitch and accepted. You should have seen him when I did. Then he complained all the way till we got to church." Mary was still laughing but calming slowly.

Rachael just kept laughing. "I still can't believe you got him to church."

"Trust me, I had to convince him." Mary told her with a smile.

Then I leaned in as I smiled and said, seductively, "Convince me, you did."

Then Rachael looked at me and then Mary. "Do I even want to know?"

I laughed. "Let's put it to you this way, if there is a God, Mary and I are definitely going to hell."

"Again, do I want to even know?" She seemed more afraid of the answer.

I laughed and Mary quickly said, "No, you don't."

I was loving the fact that Mary did get comfortable with my sister quickly. We sat there as the women talked and Rachael shared childhood stories of me. Which I tried to stop but of course Rachael wasn't having it. A couple hours later, Rachael went to leave. She hugged me then Mary, which I think threw her off, slightly. Then she said as she pulled away, "It was nice to meet you, Mary."

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