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Some time past, the bruises faded. At work, I covered it with make up and it was a miracle I did. But at home, I hated wearing make up so I didn't cover it. Seth always felt so bad when he saw it. When we had unexpected company, they would noticed it and get worried someone hurt me. I would just laugh and make a little comment that Seth and I were a little too aggressive in the bedroom. I would always grin afterwards which always followed with the other person laughing. Everyone that knew Seth, knew he would never hurt me so they left it alone afterwards. Seth hated that people saw it. But I didn't care. It wasn't like he meant to do it. When they finally faded a lot more, I could tell Seth was relieved. I knew he wasn't going to rough with me again, which, honestly, I was bummed about. I love it when he was that way with me at times. But now the time has come. We were days away from our wedding. I was actually getting nervous. It was going to be a big one. But we kept it exclusive as we didn't want paparazzi getting wind of it. Seth was excited. He was all over me more the closer it got to the big day. It was a couple days prior to it and we were having a get together at the house. Sophia was there and all the women ogled her baby bump as for a woman carrying twins, she looked great. Of course everyone asked if Seth and I were excited to have two little ones. I couldn't contain my smile. One thing bothered me about the whole thing though but I was too afraid to bring it up. I got a few drinks in me and loosened up. I looked at Sophia who was sitting next to me and asked, "How do you think you will be after they are born and you have to give them to us?"

She seemed surprised by the questioned then looked down at her belly. She then smiled. "Okay, they aren't mine. I know this. I mean, I have a bond with them cause I feel their movements and I am carrying them. But I know I will be okay to give them to their parents. Plus, it's not like they will disappear. I know I can see them whenever. I love them. But a way an aunt loves her nephews. It's just like that. I am really happy to be doing this for you and Seth. I love you both. You both deserve this."

I smiled at her. "I was worried that you would have a deeper bond and feel some type of way the day you give birth."

She shook her head and smile. "I will cry. I know this. But I know it will be happy tears. Cause I know you will cry too in joy and see how happy you and Seth are. That will make me cry in joy that I gave you this gift. I promise, the tears that day will be tears of joy."

I moved over to her and hugged her. Seth then walked over and asked, "What is going on here?"

I pulled away from Sophia and she said, "Your drunk fiancee is having a heart to heart with me. It a little too sappy for my liking."

"Shut up. You like sappy." I told her quickly.

"Just not use to it from your ass. It's weird." She said to me.

I laughed at this. "Blame, Seth. He has soften me."

Seth walked over to me as he smiled and gave me a small kiss. Then said as he pulled away, "Just had to get it out of you, is all."

I pushed him away and said, "Okay, go. Any more sap, I might cry and I don't want to do that."

He laughed and walked away. Just then, Rachael and Mila joined us. Mila asked, "So, in a couple days, you are going to be Mrs. MacFarlane? How do you feel about that?"

"Nervous." I said, truthfully. "I'm worried that I'm not good enough for him."

"Oh, you are." Said Rachael. "I haven't seen Seth this happy in a long time. Trust me you are good enough for him. Might be a little off your rocker. But so is he in his own way. So, no worries about that."

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