A Party

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Seth and I were going strong the last few months. It scared me actually. Last time we went strong, things became hard and I freaked. But for now, we were actually happy. I worked late and Seth was wanting to see me. Most of our time was spent on the weekends as weekdays we both were so busy. But it was Friday night and I was still at the office. Seth was waiting for me to get off. He was already off for the weekend. But I was so swamped. I sat behind the desk, rubbing my face as I was tired. Just then, there was a knock on my office door. I said quickly, "Come in."

Just then Seth through the door with a bag in his hands. I looked surprised to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was missing you and I brought dinner." He said with a smile as he held up the bag.

I smiled and stood up. "That was sweet of you, Seth."

He walked over to me and put the bag on the desk. He then wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in for a kiss. He kissed me deeply which surprised me. I pulled away and asked, "What is that for?"

"I just missed you." He said as he was smiling.

"I missed you too." I said to him, sincerely.

He pulled me back in and kissed me again. Just then I heard Jessica's voice. "Hey, boss, do you mind if..."

Her voice trailed off as we broke the kiss and looked at her. I didn't tell her about Seth or I as her and I weren't friends or close. I think another part of me didn't tell her cause I wanted to spare her feelings. I knew she liked him. Sure enough, she looked a little wounded. I did feel slightly bad and pulled away from Seth. I asked, "What is it, Jessica?"

"Um, mind if I go ahead and take off?" She asked me, as she seemed hurt.

"Yeah, have a good weekend, Jessica." I told her.

She said, softly, "You too." Then she left.

Once she did, I groaned a little bit as I didn't want any complications in the office. Seth looked at me and asked, "What?"

I sighed and sat back in my chair. "She likes you, Seth. It's obvious. I didn't tell her about you and I cause I wanted to maintain a good work environment. But god knows, how she will be after she saw us. Jesus, last thing I want is problems in the work place."

Seth smiled. "Baby, it's not your fault that I love you and you love me. I mean, what are you suppose to do, not date someone cause your secretary likes them. She is a pretty, nice girl. She will bounce back." He said to me. Then he asked, "She really liked me?"

I laughed. "Don't start or I will kick your ass."

He laughed at this. "I believe you." Then he smirked. "I didn't know you were the jealous type."

"Oh, I won't be if you have a problem with it." I said, sarcastically.

He leaned in and took my lips for a small peck. When he pulled away, he said, softly, against my lips, "I think it is hot actually, as long as you do not act like a psycho."

"Oh, you don't want psycho me, it's not a pretty sight." I cracked back.

He moved away from me as he smiled. "Again, I believe you."

Then I said, as I was hungry, "I am starving. You need to feed me."

He laughed. Then went to the bag he had set on my desk and pulled out two to go trays out. He handed me one and I quickly took it. He grabbed the a couple forks out of the bag and handed me one. I quickly opened my tray and quickly began eating the food. Seth sat down at the chair in front of my desk and dug in as well. After a couple minutes, he spoke up. "So, you know my birthday is coming up."

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