Really Over

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Seth's POV

I drove around for a bit as I felt lost. So lost. Just like that, my whole world slipped away. She gave up on us and now found someone who made her feel wanted. I still loved her and wanted her, but I took her for granted. Now everything was a mess. I was pissed at her for what she did but also so hurt. I missed her too. I wanted to hate her for what she did but I couldn't. I loved her too much. I didn't know where to go. I wanted a distraction. I went back to the office. Once I got back in, I went back to work. I threw myself into it. I don't know what time exactly, but sometime during the night, I passed out. All day Sunday as well as that night, again, just worked. Again I passed out from pure exhaustion. I felt a nudge that woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. My sister looked unhappy with me. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

"I was up here, working." I only said as I rubbed my eyes.

She got annoyed with me. "You do not need to work yourself to death like you did before. I do not to see you in a hospital bed again. I know Mary would blow a gasket if you ended up in the hospital."

A wave of hurt hit me when I heard her name. Rachael noticed. "What's wrong, Seth?" She was concerned. "Why are you not at home with your family?"

I looked away and tears formed. I just looked at my hands as I tried not to lose it. Then Rachael took my hand. "Seth, what is going on?"

I closed my eyes as the tears fell. "I messed up, Rachael. I lost her. I was so consumed with all this that I didn't know Mary was starved for my attention, for my affection. I just dismissed her."

"Then go and show her what she means to you." She said with a smile.

I looked at her as more tears fell. "You don't understand, Rachael. She already moved on. She already found someone else."

"How? What? I am confused." She sure was.

I looked away as I felt like I would lose it from re imagining her in bed with that man. I choked out, "I came home the other night and found them in bed together, in our bed." Rachael quickly hugged me. I moved my arms around her as I continued. "I don't know who he is. I know he is younger then me, younger then Mary. I cannot deny that he is a good looking man, much more so then me." She pulled away and looked at me. I looked down as I cried harder. "I knew this was too good to be true. I took her for granted. She found what she needed in someone else's arms."

"Seth! You do not blame yourself. She shouldn't have done this. I can't believe she would do this. I'm so sorry you are going through this Seth." Rachael looked at me sympathetically.

"Please don't do that." I begged. "I can't take that look."

I nodded and stood. "But let me know if there is anything I can do." She said.

I looked at her and said, "There is one thing. I need a place to crash and can you go to the house to grab some clothes."

Rachael nodded, then pulled my arm. "Come on."

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We are going to get you clothes." She told me.

I quickly stopped as my eyes widened. "No, I can't go there. Please don't make me."

She turned to me and said in a stern tone, "No you are going, Seth. She needs to see that she isn't getting to you. Plus, isn't she at work now anyways?"

I breathed, "Yeah."

"Then there should be no problems. So you are coming. It's still your house." She said to me.

Different WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora