A Party

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It's been crazy busy between planning a wedding and us just looking at possible surrogates. I was overwhelmed. And we both still worked. It was a lot to take on. Seth and I knew we needed a day to get our friends and family together. They all knew we were looking at surrogates and going forward with having a kid of our own. I was outside sitting with Rachael and Sophia as well as Mila and Alex. Seth wanted me to get to know his co workers more if I was to marry him. I wasn't big on making new friends but the few times I met them, they were nice so I didn't mind. I knew they thought I was snobby as Seth told me cause I didn't try my hardest to make friends. But it was cause it wasn't easy for me to get close to anyone. Even Charlize was there. Her and I have become close cause I worked with her as her attorney. Us girls were sitting around. Then Rachael asked, "How is the surrogate search going?"

Mila, Alex, and Charlize were shocked as they didn't know about it. I got a little uncomfortable and Alex asked, "You are going to get a surrogate?"

"Well, yeah. Seth and I want kids but I cannot carry children. I tried twice and both ended in heartbreak." I told them.

Mila then asked, "Wait, you had another child?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "A boy. I didn't make it as far with him in my pregnancy as I did with Natasha. I was thirty weeks with Max when I got the bad news."

"Oh, I am so sorry." Mila said, almost regretful she asked.

I quickly said, "It's okay. You didn't know."

Then Sophia quickly said, "So, what Rachael asked."

I smiled. "We have been searching but we can't find the right fit. I am so cautious on who I pick. I want to make sure if we do have a baby, it will be healthy."

"No, that is understandable." Rachael said.

Then Sophia asked, "How does that exactly work?"

I laughed. "Really? Why do you ask?"

"I am curious." She said.

I just smiled at her. "Well, they take my eggs and Seth's sperm and implant them in another woman. Then if she gets pregnant, nine months later, she pops out a baby."

Everyone laughed cause I was being sarcastic. Sophia rolled her eyes. "Well, sorry, I didn't know exactly what they did."

"I'm just picking on you." I said with a smile.

"And yet I continue to be your friend." She huffed.

"Cause I'm just so darn cute." I joked.

Then Charlize said, "What about adoption?"

"Seth and I have decided that when we want more, that might be another option. Especially how hard this process is. We kinda want one of our own and do it from the beginning, you know." I said to her.

I knew she adopted but I hope she understood why we choose what we choose. Then Sophia asked, "Have you thought about asking a friend or relative to do it?"

"We have. But we feel we couldn't ask someone we know to do something so huge for us." I told her.

"But what if they want to?" She asked.

I eyed her. I knew something was going on in her brain. "What are you getting at?"

"Well, I loved being pregnant and Kyle is adamant about not having anymore kids. I am too. But I do miss being pregnant. And with everything you and Seth have already gone through. I feel you two deserve this. So, what if I am to become your surrogate?" She asked.

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