A Familiar Face

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It's been almost seven years since I broke it off with Seth.   At first, it was hard.   I was in pain.   Most nights, I laid in bed, crying.    But as time went on, my heartache healed.  But I never forgot him. I had heard he went back to Trisha and then they broke it off again.   They were back together for a while after our break up.  Then I saw in the tabloids, he dated other women, it did sting but I kept moving forward in my life.   I decided to go back to school on top of working. I had learned so much about the law working where I did and I realized it was something I wanted to do. I did my years in college and took the bar, now I was a lawyer. I was happy with my life. I was successful and made something of myself.   I went to LA wanting to become an actress, but now I was representing actors.   It was amazing.   I meet plenty of people in the industry in my job. I loved it. I had a new high profile client that wanted to meet with me.  She heard of me through her friends in the biz and thought I could deal with her legal stuff.  It was not unusual that it happened that way.   I went to lunch as I waited at the hostess table to see my new potential client.   I got to the restaurant and said to the hostess, "I'm here to meet with Charlize Theron."

The hostess smiled at me. "She has been waiting for you."

I followed the hostess to the table and saw Charlize sitting there talking to someone. I walked up as I looked at who it was and my heart nearly dropped. I felt like there was a lump in my throat as I got closer to them. I got to the table and Charlize stood up. "Hi, you must be Mary."

I forced a smile on my face. I was an amazing actress, but being a lawyer, I had to be. I said, "Yes, I am, Ms. Theron. It's a pleasure to meet you." I shook her hand.

Then she said, "Oh, I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine."

She looked at Seth as did I. He seemed shocked to see me. "Hi, Mary."

"Seth." I plainly said. Then I said to Charlize, "Why don't we sit down so I can tell you what our law firm can do for you."

We sat down and Charlize seemed confused as we did. She looked at Seth then me and asked, "Do you two know each other?"

"Briefly." I quickly said. "Now, what is it you are looking for in our law firm?"

She ignored my question and asked, "What do you mean briefly?"

Seth quickly said, "We use to date."

I just sighed and I didn't want to relive it. "Yes, we did. Now can we move forward."

"Wait, I'm still reeling from this." Then she looked at Seth. "When did you two date?" She thought about it then her eyes lite up. "Oh, she is the one you told me about. The one your crazy ex chased away." I smiled at her calling Trisha, his crazy ex. "The one you told me you still..." Then she stopped and yelled out, "Ow!" She grabbed her leg closer to Seth and looked at him. "What the fuck, Seth?!"

"Don't." He sternly said to her as he narrowed his eyes.

Then I seen her press her lips together and nod. Now I was intrigued, it sounded like she was going to say he still loved me. But how could he after all this time. It's been years since we parted and said our goodbyes. And we only dated for a few months. I also broke his heart, at least it seemed that way. There was no way he still was in love with me. I shook it off and asked her, "Can we get to why I am here?"

She nodded and I went into it. Giving her the same sales pitch I did to most people in the biz to get them to come on with us. We ordered lunch and ate. It looked promising she would take the law firm I was on and I would represent her in any legal matter she needed. Most of it was just contracts and legal documents. I almost forgot Seth was there as I chatted with Charlize. He was quiet most of the time. I would look at him from time to time as he was staring at me. As we ate, Charlize looked at her phone. "Shit!" She quickly blurted out and grabbed her things. "I have to be at an interview shortly." She looked at Seth. "I will see you later?" He just nodded and she said to me with a smile, "You have won me over, Mary. I will be in your office first thing tomorrow to sign the necessary paperwork."

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