Something Missing

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A few years went by and everything was perfect. We had our boys and our girl. Carla was locked away in an institute and I felt as I could breath. Seth and I continued to work. I actually made partner and Seth was so proud of me. He would crack that when he met me, I was just some errand girl but with hard work, I really made something of myself. He was so proud. I also stood by his side as he did more things and kept himself busy, but not too busy where he was not with us. He learned to juggle it. Seth had donated to an adoption agency as to help with children with parents. He felt it was right to do. I supported him. But now the president of the agency invited Seth to meet a few kids. His publicist thought it would be great for his image. Seth didn't care about that, he just wanted to do it. He loved kids, always have, just having our three amplified it. He, of course, wanted me to go with him. I couldn't say no to that man. We left and went to a place where we met with a bunch of them. He met them and talked with them. He drew a few of his characters as well as did some voices. The kids loved it and Seth was all smiles when they laughed and cheered. I watched him as the kids were around him, having a good time. I looked in the other room behind me and noticed a little girl, by herself at a table, coloring. I turned and walked in. As I got to the table, I sat down in one of the small chairs next to her. She stopped coloring briefly to look at me, then went back at it. I asked, "What is your name?" She didn't respond, just kept coloring. "I'm Mary." She still didn't speak. Then I said, "Okay, no names. Can you tell me how old you are?"

She stopped coloring and looked at me, then she held up her hand as all her fingers were out as to tell me she was 5. I smiled. "I have twin boys who are five." She smiled at me. "So, what are you drawing?"

She said, almost sadly, "A family made for me."

My heart yanked at this. She was lonely and wanted a family of her own. Just then a woman walked in and said, "Come on, princess. We are done now. Time to go."

She got up and pushed in her seat. She grabbed her picture and started to walk off as I watched her. She got half way to the woman and then stopped. She turned back to me and walked over to me. "I want you to have this."

She held out her picture and I smiled at her as I took it. "Thank you."

Then the woman said to her, "Come on, Sophia. Let the nice lady be. We really must get going."

My heart dropped when I heard the name and became almost wide eyed. I knew it was a common name, I understood that. But to meet this girl and her name is the same as my best friend who passed away and was born around the time she passed as well. The odds were just off the wall. The little girl ran off as I watched her. I then looked at the picture she drew and my eyes watered up.

That night, I couldn't get this girl out of my head. I didn't tell Seth about her as he would say it was just a coincidence. But I couldn't let it go. I felt bad for her too. She had no home or family. She was in the system and I wanted to do more for her. But I didn't know what but I had to do something.


Seth's POV

"No, absolutely not, Mary." I said to her.

"Why not, Seth? It feels right." She almost begged.

I sighed. "Our house is crazy enough."

She smiled at me and said, "No it's perfect, it's just missing one thing."

"Another kid?" I asked her in disbelief.

It's been a couple weeks since we visited with the kids. I saw her talking to a young girl at one point but thought nothing of it at the time. But when we got home, she seemed distanced. I kept asking her what was wrong and she would tell me nothing. But something was wrong with her. She wouldn't talk about it for two weeks, now, she came up with the crazy idea of adopting this girl she met. One that was named Sophia. Once I heard her name, I understood more why she wanted this. But I felt our family was complete and after the heartache we dealt with with Marie at first, I didn't want to chance that again for this family. I was very stern on my decision but she wasn't hearing it. "Yes, Seth, it would be perfect." She said with a smile, trying to win me over.

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