A Huge Step

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I was happy to be working again, just hated the sympathy I got at work. But I was there before, with Max. But now, I knew how to deal with it. I get why Seth hated it, cause I hated it too. The sad stares, the whispers. It could be a little much. This was Seth's first time dealing with it. Not mine. Some time went by and we were basically back in a routine. I kept living with Seth and after sometime, I decided to sell my place. I didn't see a need for it. I was happy with Seth and I didn't want to go anywhere either. I wasn't afraid with him anymore. I got past that part, I got past it when Natasha passed cause he was with me the whole time and never showed any signs of leaving. We went through something so tragic together and came out the other side having a bond stronger then ever. They say two things happen when you lose a child, you either get closer or fall apart. Apparently Eric wasn't a strong man and did everything so differently and cause of that, we fell apart. Seth, he was different. He stayed close to me and fell apart when need be. To me, that made him strong. He didn't try to keep it together or act like it didn't happen. He was strong enough to be the man he was and allowed himself to grieve. Him being there, being my rock and crying with me is what I needed. Now we moved forward. The pain was still there, but like I said, it would never fully go away but we had each other. It was something I didn't have before. Made the pain more bearable. Our relationship grew stronger, deeper. I was happy with that. I was happy with Seth. He was my best friend at first and I think that is what helped our relationship in the long run. He was still my best friend. We could talk and goof off still. We still made each other laugh and took cracks at each other. But now we were lovers too. I got to go to bed with him ever night. I got to make love with him every night. I was completely in love with this man. He was my best friend and more. I knew I wanted him for the rest of my life. And I could tell he felt the same way. His eyes lit up when I walked into a room. He smiled when he was around me. Yeah, that man loved me. We fought and always made up. God, did we know how to make up. He stood by one rule his parents taught him, don't go to bed mad. When it was time for bed and we were still angry, he was keen on us communicating so we got our issues out and made up so we never went to bed angry. I was stubborn and bull-headed but he knew how to get me to open up. Our relationship grew. Now I wanted the next step but I had to wait on Seth for that. We have been together for quite a while now and I wanted that step, bad. I was so hesitant at the beginning of our relationship, but after everything, I knew he was the one. I would try to drop little hints to Seth that I was ready. But I didn't think he was reading them. Sophia came over one afternoon with her children as Seth and I invited them. Her husband, Kyle, couldn't make it due to work. But she was there, so were the kids. Seth loved being around the kids and was great with them. We sat out back as Seth went and played with Sophia's kids. She knew I wanted a long future with him. She looked at me and asked, "So, no signs yet that he might pop the question?"

"No." I breathed. "And I want him too so bad."

She smiled at me. "You know he is petrified, right?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, come on, you basically ran from him when he tried to get close to you at the beginning." She pointed out.

"But I am not doing that now." I said.

"No, you are right. But that would make any man scared to move forward in a relationship. Afraid he might scare you away." She explained.

"I know." I exhaled. "I wish he would see I am not going anywhere now."

"I know you aren't. But does he really know? I mean, you can see it but he is insecure. That is a given. He loves you so much that if it means staying where you both are at in the relationship to keep you, he will." She said to me.

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