A Night At The Beach

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I was on lunch and hungry. Seth was suppose to meet me but no word from him. I was getting frustrated and he wasn't answer my text or calls. I was not really having it. I decided to go to his job, something I didn't do often. Actually very rarely did it. I pulled up and walked in. I got to his office and opened the door, it was empty. I was frustrated. I looked around and saw Mila. I knew her just didn't know her well. I walked over to her. "Hey, Mila."

"Hey." She said, cheerfully.

I asked, "Have you seen Seth?"

"Uh, well, not in a while. He has been gone most of the day. I have no clue where he went though." She told me.

"Oh." I was disappointed. I wanted to have lunch with him. Since I started working, we haven't seen each other much.

Then she said, "I can try to call him."

"I already have tried." I told her. Then I said, sadly, "I'm going to go."

I left the office and drove back to my office. I tried to call Seth but again no answer. I went back to work and couldn't focus. Seth has never gone this long without calling or texting me. I actually was getting worried. As the day started to come to a close, Rachael showed up at my office. She stepped in and said, chipper, "Hey, Mary."

"Hey, Rachael." I said, unhappy.

She looked concerned. "What's wrong?"

I sighed. "I haven't heard from Seth all day."

She then smiled at me. "And that is why you are upset?"

"Yes." I was getting a little emotional. "He has never gone this long without talking to me. I am worried about him. What if something happened to him? What if something really bad happened to him? I don't like this, Rachael."

She laughed. "Calm down, Mary. He is fine. I promise."

Then I asked, "How do you know?"

"Cause I have been with him all day." She told me.

The worry quickly faded and anger began to surge. I stood up. "Why is not answering me then, Rachael? Why would he ignore my text and phone calls?"

She laughed again. "Calm down, Mary." I just crossed my arms as I was unhappy. She walked over me and grabbed my hand. "Come with me."

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked.

She pulled at my hand. "Come on."

I started to move as she pulled me. "Let me get my stuff."

As she pulled me, I grabbed my purse and keys off the desk. We left the building and got in Rachael's car. I sat down in the passenger seat and buckled up. I asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." She smiled.

I sat back in the seat and we drove a bit. We drove to a isolated spot out by the beach. I looked at her as she parked. "Why are we here?"

She looked at me as she smiled. "You'll see."

She got out of the car and I rolled my eyes. I got out and she looked at me over the car. "Come on."

She started to walk away and I sighed as I started to follow. We walked out to the beach some and I asked, "What are we doing here, Rachael? And what does this have to do with Seth?"

"Just come on." She said, still smiling.

I followed and I noticed an area on the beach that was lit up with torches and flower petals on the sand. I asked her, "What is going on?"

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