Unforgettable Birthday

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I woke up the next morning and looked around. Seth wasn't there. I sat up and noticed a note on his pillow. I grabbed it and read it.

                                                                   Going to get the boys.

                                                                Rest as much as you can.

                                                                  Love you. Seth

I smiled at this. As usual, Seth was on top of it. He knew I would be missing them and made sure to go get them so I wouldn't fuss. I pushed the cover off and quickly went into the bathroom so I could get a quick shower. I knew the boys would be home and wanted to be ready. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. I was surprised to see Vikki there. I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Seth told me to come over and make a special breakfast for you since it is your birthday and all." She smiled. "By the way, Happy birthday."

My eyes widened. I forgot my own birthday. With everything going on, I didn't realize. I was always so busy that I forgot that it was my birthday. Vikki noticed. "You forgot your own birthday, huh?"

"Yeah." I breathed.

She laughed. "I heard of it happening but knew anyone forgetting their own birthday. That is a first."

"Seth didn't even bring it up and I have been so busy and my head has been elsewhere, I guess it slipped my mind." I said to her.

She busted out in laughter. I quickly asked, "What?"

"Nothing." She calmed. "Just don't know how anyone could forget the day they were born."

I just smiled as I could see the humor in it. Just then, Seth walked in with the boys in the car seats. I turned and smiled at them. Seth walked in and gave me a quick kiss. I took the car seat Damien was in. I put it down and picked him up. Seth did the same with Christian. I gave them each kisses as I said, "Mommy missed you two so much."

"They missed their mommy too." Seth said with a sweet smile.

I just smiled at him and we placed the twins in their highchairs. I turned to Seth and said, "So, you set this up for my birthday."

"For a minute there, I thought you forgot about your birthday." Seth retorted.

"She did." Vikki chimed in. "It wasn't until I said happy birthday to her that she realized what day it was."

He laughed. "I figured you did. That is what last night was about. I knew on your birthday you wouldn't want the twins to be away so I figured if it was the night before, you wouldn't fight it so much. But it dawned on me the closer it got that you forgot about it. So, I didn't say anything as I wanted to see how long it would take till it dawned on you. Vikki kinda ruined it."

I rolled my eyes and breathed, "Ass."

He just laughed. Just then the doorbell rang and I quickly said, "I got it."

I rushed to the door and answered it. It was a strange man at the door with a bouquet of flowers already in a vase in his hands. "I have a delivery for Mary MacFarlane."

"That's me." I said. He handed me the flowers and I said, "Thank you."

He left as I closed the door. I looked at them and smiled. I walked in the kitchen and said as I was smiling, "Really, Seth. You trying to go all out."

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