A Secret

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We pulled up to nearby restaurant. Wasn't what Seth was use to. It was a little mom and pop's diner. We walked in and sat at a booth. He asked "You come here often?"

I nodded. "I like it as it kinda reminds me of home."

He then asked, "I thought you hated home?"

"I don't hate the place, just the people associated with it." I told him.

"Oh." Then he asked, "Can I ask why?"

I shook my head. "I'm not ready."

He nodded as he understood. "I get it now, who ever broke your heart lives there, right?" I just looked away as I really didn't want to talk about it. "I'm right, ain't I?" I didn't reply as I really didn't want to discuss it. "I know I am. You might as well tell me."

I was getting annoyed. I snapped, "Stop it, Seth!" He fell silent and I looked around as I noticed people looking at us. I was a bit embarrassed. I looked at Seth and noticed I wasn't the only one embarrassed by my outburst. I looked down and my hands as I said, softly, "Sorry."

"Don't be. I kept pushing. I should have known better." He said, apologetic.

I just smiled at him. "No worries. How about we order and eat then go to the bar down the street. Hell knows I could use a few cold ones."

He smiled at me. "Sounds like fun."

It was exactly what we did.


*Seth's POV*

We got to the bar and she was slamming drinks down. I knew she was trying to drink something away. I at first was having fun with her, but the more she drank, the more out of control she got. I finally had enough. I didn't understand how something innocently I said brought this on. I knew she didn't want to talk about it but if this is how she got every time someone brought it up, drinking it away, it made me wonder what it could be. But I knew she wouldn't tell me. I tried to settle her down as she got more wild. I finally had enough. I grabbed her and pulled her out of the bar. She pulled away from me as she screamed in her drunken state, "What the fuck, Seth!"

"I'm taking you home." I told her calmly.

"I don't want to go home." She hiccuped and staggered a bit.

I grabbed her to keep help her keep her composer. I said, sternly, "You are going home, Mary."

"No, I'm not!" She got even louder.

I was getting pissed at this point. I got really loud as I screamed, "Get in that god damn car, Mary!"

She seemed a little shook but complied. I got in the driver seats and looked at her as I held out my hand. "Keys."

She dug in her pocket and managed to get them out in her state. I took them and started the car. We drove as we didn't say a word. I was still very much pissed. We got to her apartment complex. I moved over to her side to help her out. I got her in the house and to her room. I sat her on the bed as I helped take off her shoes. She then went to stand and I quickly said, "Lay down, Mary."

"But I am thirsty." She said.

"I'll get you some water." I told her.

"No, I got it." She went to move and ended up falling back on the bed. But as she fell, she grabbed me which caused me to lose my balance. I was on top of her. I said as I started to get up, "For god sakes, Mary."

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