One Sided Fight

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It took sometime but after sometime, Damien became the boy he once was. He was more a loving child and his anger seemed to subsided. Now when he was angry, he learned to control it. Maybe Seth was right. My little boy seemed to be much better. It's been years now, Seth was working like crazy. I was also working as well. Being partner was hard at times, but I knew I earned it. I still made sure I was home by a decent hour for my children. I made sure they were a prior. Seth on the other hand, didn't. He was always working late and it caused some issues as him and I would fight about it. I hated it. This went on the last year and a half. When he came home, he was always tired and cranky. He would work weekends too. He had no time for our family anymore. It hurt. We had a big case coming up and I was trying my hardest to get it together and be home with the kids. They needed at least one of us. It was exhausting. But I kept at it. I was in my office working when there was a knock on my door. I said, "Come in."

My partner, Aaron, came in as he smiled. He asked, "Do you have a moment, Mary? I would like to introduce you to someone."

"Sure, Aaron." I stopped working as I looked at him, smiling.

He opened the door more and walked in as another younger gentleman followed behind him. I got up from my seat and walked around the desk. He said, "Mary, this is our newest attorney to the firm, Brad Ashford." Then he looked at Brad and said, "This is my partner I have been telling you about, Brad. She is very good at arguing her case."

I smiled at this. Then I stuck out my hand and said, happily, "Hello, there Brad, it's a pleasure to meet you."

He took my hand as he gave me a warm smile. He shook it as he looked at me. "Nice to met you too, Mrs. MacFarlane."

I smiled at him. "No need for that. Just call me Mary."

His smile got bigger and he nodded. "Alright, Mary it is."

"He will be assisting you on the case." Aaron told me.

I was quite relieved to hear this as I was already being stretched too thin. If I was stretched any farther, I would lose it. Now some pressure was off me. I smiled at Aaron. "That sounds great."

"Okay, I will leave you two to it and you can fill Brad in with the case." He told me.

I nodded and he smiled at both of us, then walked out. I looked at Brad. "So, I have a lot to catch you up on. But I will not lie, it is a relief that I am getting some help."

"Why is that?" Brad asked, seemingly curious.

I walked back over to my chair and said, "Well, I am also a mother of four kids, so I try not to let my job take away from them. My husband also has a demanding job, so he isn't home much. So, with that, I try to make it where one of us is home every night with them. Which is difficult when you have a big case."

He nodded as he smiled. "Seems like you are a good mother."

I smiled at him as I sat down. "I try. Honestly, so difficult at times. Being a mom of four kids under the age of ten and working full time. It's a lot but I love my children and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

He only gave me a smile as he sat down in a chair across from me as he crossed his legs and said, "Well, I think it is an attractive quality for a woman to have. Getting to where you are and still making your children a priority. I say it is quite attractive."

I looked at him as I felt his eyes burn into mine. I then looked away as I slightly blushed. I didn't know what to think. It was clear he was flirting with me. But I couldn't help but to feel good about it. Lately, Seth comes home and goes straight to sleep. He barely looked my way anymore. I felt so unloved and unattractive to him. But now this guy, about ten years younger then me, was hitting on me. It made me feel good. I then shook myself as I said, "I think we should talk about the case."

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